~For the team~

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Oh~ I'm so excited for Winter Cups! [f/n], you definetly have to confess~

Asuka-chan!!! >/////<

Do your best~

Chiyo-chan, not you too! T_T

You sat on your desk and chatted with Asuka and Chiyo to avoid learning for school. It was already the 1st December and the Winter Cups were about to start in three days! Hajime and the other members from the volleyball team were practicing more than usual, so you haven't seen him that much. But if you did, it was always when Hajime sneaked through your window into your piano room where you was playing the piano for him. This moments were magical and both of you enjoyed them until the very last moment. But this evening he wasn't at home. He still was at practice.
"[f/n]! Dinner is ready!"
"I'm coming~!"
You informed Asuka and Chiyo that you had to go offline and laid your phone on your desk. You went down the stairs and headed to the kitchen. In the floor, you could already smell the curry. Your father and brother were sitting at the dining table and you joined them. "Itadakimasu~" the three of you said at the same time and started to eat.
"Nee, nii-chan?"
Your brother sat in front of you and looked up to you with big eyes and his mouth filled with rice. You started to giggle at this sight. Mika swallowed everything in one gulp and opened his mouth to say something, but your father started to talk.
"Your aunt Marika called me today. She is going to come over for Christmas and she will stay until New Year's Eve is over. [f/n]... Could she stay in your room then? We changed the guest room into the piano room for you and in your room is place for a narrow bed. I will set it up if you don't mind."
"It's okay. But I'm not sure if there's a need to set up a second bed in my room. Aunty Marika would come in my bed either way", you replied and sighed.
"But I still should do it after all. Maybe Marika decides to sleep in a seperate bed after she heard you snoring." Mika choked on his food, while he tried to control his laughter. You stared at your father in disbelief. "I'm not snoring!", you screamed
"[f/n]-chan, you're always waking up the whole neighborhood~", your brother said teasingly.
You sighed again and conentrated back on your meal.
"By the way... [f/n]? Doesn't Iwaizumi has a volleyball game the day after tomorrow?", your brother asked. You nodded and said: " Yes. I wanted to ask you if you want to watch the game with me. Asuka and Chiyo will come too."
"Oh really? I haven't seen them for about a year. Sure I will come with you."
You smiled and took your bowls to wash them. Your father helped you while your brother went to his room for some "buisness". As you were washing the dishes, your father dried them.
"Do you love Hajime?"

This question was so sudden and unexpected that you let one bowl fall back in the dishwater. Your face heated up and you felt your heart racing.
"Well... Maybe it could be... possible that I... propably..."

You looked into the water and saw your face getting red.
"I knew it!", your father triumphed. You slightly looked at him as he looked at you and smiled.
"Don't worry! I'll keep it as a secret", he added and stroked your hair. You nodded, unable to say anything and silently finished the dish washing.

~Time skip~

You sat in school and listened to the teacher, while you occasionally took some notes. Only three minutes were left until lunch break. It felt like an eternity until the school bell finally delivered you from the boring talks from your teacher. It was cold outside so you decided to eat in your classroom, when suddenly Andou Chiasa, the manager of the boy's volleyball team, stood on the doorframe of your classroom and waved you to come out. You gave her a confused glance but you stood up and headed to the floor.
"Hello [l/n]. I'm sorry to disturb you but I need to ask you favor."
You tilted hour head in confusion. The third year in front of you did the same.
"What do you want from me?", you asked. Andou suddenly took an upright position and looked at you with a stern face.
"I want you to substitute me at the winter cups."
Your eyes widened and your heart stopped beating for one moment.
"What... Why... How...?"
There were so many questions in your mind but you couldn't ask one single.
Why do I have to substitute Andou-san? Why me? Why does Andou-san not want to support the team? Does she have enough of being the manager?
"Please don't understand it wrong. I really want to be at the winter cups and support everyone, but I will have to stay in the hospital for a few days"
"What? Why? Are you okay?"
"It's nothing. I will have to be with my brother. He is very sick and our parents are overseas. Don't worry about it. Please take care of the team instead of me!"
The girl folded her hands and bowed her head. Some other students were looking at you. You blushed in embarrassment. I-it's okay! I will do it! It's only for the winter cups right? Then I will take care of everything!"
Andou-san really must feel bad that she can't be there for her team... I have to help her!
You suddenly felt arms wrapping around you.
"Thank you, [l/n]! Thank you so much!!!"
You wasn't able to answer, because Andou ambraced you so tight that you couldn't really breathe.
"Oh right! I have to go now. Please come to the gym after school okay?"
The manager smiled and ran down the hallway.
"Wait! Why?", you asked.
"Because you don't know what you will have to do as a manager right?", Andou said as she ran around the corner.
"Well it's all for the team, right?", you asked yourself as you went back to your place.


This is already my sixth chapter. I hope that you like my story if you read it. I don't know if anyone is really reading this but I would like to hear some opinions. Thanks to all who read my story 🙈

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