~High School~

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Hajime POV

"Iwa-chan~! Wait for me~!!!"
I really hoped that I could avoid this Jitterbug by heading to school earlier than usual. But when I turned aroud, it was not only Shittykawa. Kindaichi and Kunimi were also there. I stopped for a while so that they could catch up to me.
"Good mornig, Iwa-chan~", Oikawa said with his annoying smile.
"Good mornig, Kidaichi amd Kunimi. Are the two of you ready for the practice match this evening?", I asked the younger boys and continued walking.
"Iwa-chan, you're mean!"
"Shut up, Shittykawa!"
The school day went pretty fast. There were a few preperations for midterms and we received a test in maths, but nothing special happened. The special event was supposed to be after school. We had a practice match with another Middle School, so everyone had to go to the gym right after the lessons ended.
Before the other team arrived, we discussed our plans for the match again and worked on our techniques afterwards.
"What do you want, Shittykawa?"
"Did you finally decide to which High School you want to go?"
At the moment we took a break, so I was sitting with Oikawa and other members at the back of the gym outside to get fresh air. Everyone looked at me in curiousity when Oikawa asked that question.
"No. Not really", I answered and rubbed the back of my neck. When I thought about it, it was time to find a High School, because I didn't have much time left. But it was hard to find a school nearby which had a powerful volleyball team, but not too powerful, because I know by myself that there's still a lot I had to learn.
"But Iwa-chan..."
"I know, I know", I said annoyed, because my parents were already telling me to find a school before they would start searching.
"But did you find one?", I asked Oikawa suspicious.
I can't imagine that he already has-
"Aoba Johsai", Oikawa answered immediately and stretched out his tonge and rubbed the back of his head.
Well... he got me. Even Shittykawa found a High School.
Kindaichi and Kunimi looked at him in huge surprise.
"You're really going to Seijoh?", Kindaichi asked a bit loder than he usually speaks.
Oikawa nodded.
"Yes. They're volleyall team is not as strong as it used to be but they're not weak either. More over, it's nearby, so I won't have to leave Asuka-chan~"
"So it's because of a girl again..." I mumbled and sighed.
"I'm dating her, so what's the problem? Or should I rather ask [F/N]-chan out~?", the brown haired said with a mischievous gaze.
"Cut it out! Shittykawa! Trashykawa!"
"Ouch! Iwa-chan! Why are you hitting me?~"
"Is there someone in love~?", Kidaichi asked teasingly.
"Stop teasing Iwaizumi-senpai~", Kunimi said and giggled into his hand.
"Stop playing around and come in again! The other team arrived."
I turned around and saw our teacher. We followed him back into the gym, where our guests were about to warm up. We also did some warm-up exercises to get back into our rythm again.
The whistle rang out and our teams lined up.
"Let's have a good match!"

~Time Skip~

"Man~ this match was tough. We barely won"
"It's because you was distraced all the time, Shittykawa"
"Because you hit me beforehand..."
"N-nothi- Ouch! Not again!"
After the practice match, I went home with Oikawa, Kindaichi and Kunimi. We wanted to grab something to eat, so we stopped at a little supermarket. Kindaichi went inside and the rest of us waited in front of the market.
"I think it was because of their ace. He is a real monster", Kunimi metioned.
"Yeah you're right... if they had an experienced Setter like Shittykawa, we wouldn't have stand a chance against this guy."
"True. This Setter-chan was young and inexperienced. He wasn't able to use this Wing Spiker's abilities to their advantage. What was his name again? Wako..."
"Ushijima Wakatoshi, also know as Ushiwaka", answered Kindaichi, who just came out of the supermarket with a little paper bag in his hand. He gave everyone of us an Onigiri and we continued our way.
"I never heard of this guy. Is he a third year?", Oikawa asked curiously.
"Yeah. I heard he will go to Shiratorizawa after graduating. It's a powerhouse full of monsters like him", the first year student answered again.
Oikawa sighed but remained silent.
"By the way... Iwaizumi-Senpai?"
"What's it, Kunimi?"
"Why don't you go to Seijoh too?", the boy asked.
"I mean... Oikawa-Senpai will go there and you've been together since elementary school, right? So wouldn't it feel strange if you part now?"
"What are we? A couple? It wouldn't feel strange at all. I'm fine with that."
"What do you mean 'you're fine with that'? I'm not if you ask me", Oikawa suddenly bursted out.
"But no one asked you, Trashykawa!"
"Iwa-chan you're mean!"
When I finally arrived at home, I threw myself on my bed and checked the messages on my phone. One of them was from [F/N].

Come over as soon as you're home!

Now was too difficult. I was exhausted from the practice match and I had to take a shower, before I could go outside. So, I had to hurry up to not let her wait. I was about to leave when my mom gave me a plate with self-made cookies.
"Share them with [F/N]-chan, okay?"
"Sure", I said said gave her a slight kiss on her cheek before I left.
[F/N] was already waiting for me in the living room. I placed the plate on the coffee table and took place next to [H/C] haired girl.
"Hey, [F/N]. I finally know to which High Shool I will go."
"Huh? Really? Which one?", she asked in excitement.
"It's Aoba Johsai."

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