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It was time.
You woke up in the morning of the 4th December. It was 8:00 am and Kitagawa Daiichi's game would be at 12:00 noon. It was the first time you would see an official match of your school and propably the last you would see with Hajime as a player. You never saw Hajime playing volleyball until you went to his practice the past few days and it was really amazing. Not only Hajime. The whole team worked as a unit except for Tooru who had some difficulties with Kageyama Tobio, a boy from your parallel class.
But it seemed that this was just a childish behaviour from Tooru, so you had no worries about it.
You had fun watching and supporting the team in their practice and the team was also happy about your effort, that you almost forgot that you was only a substitute manager until the end of the winter cups which were about to start today.
So you got dressed and made your way to the kitchen for breakfast. This morning you ate alone, because Mika and your father were still sleeping.
If Mika oversleeps this game, I'm going to punch him to heaven.
After breakfast, you got ready to make your way to school, because everyone would meet there and drive to the stadium together. Before you even touched the door knob, someone knocked on the door. You first frightened but when you opened the door, Hajime stood in front of you.
"Ohayo [f/n]. Wanna go to school together since we both have the same destination?"
Hajime smiled bright as if today was the best day in his life. Well... You was happy that he was more optimistic today than a nervous mess like you was becoming.
"Yes, let's go", you said and the both of you headed to school.
"Aren't you nervous?"
"Hm... I am... But it's only natural. We should stay calm and act as usual. This is everything we can do about it. This goes not only for the players but also for you, [f/n]."
He did have a point. You couldn't let your nervousity get the overhand. It would affect the others too and they really didn't need that.
You arrived your school and noticed that everybody else was already there.
"Oya? [f/n]-chan and Iwa-chan came together? And you were the last to arrive here too. What did the two of you do all the time?~"
"Cut it out, trashykawa!"
Hajime punched Oikawa on his head and everyone laughed. Either they weren't nervous at all or they were pretty good at hiding it.
"Okay, now that we are complete, please get into the bus. We'll have a ride for about one and a half hour", the teacher said and waved everyone into the bus. The drive was pretty amusing. The boys sang some songs and even had a food battle with chips and popcorn. The teacher was lecturing them the whole time and you? You sat in the last row at the window and next to Hajime. You watched him screaming at Tooru and punching him for some reason. You enjoyed the whole scenery and unconsciously smiled during the drive.
Everyone seems to be as usual. With that attitude, they will win for sure. I'm already excited!

~Time skip~

Hajime POV

How troublesome. These guys are more persistent than I thought. We already lost the first set.
We can't lose this set either!
A look on the scores told me that it stood 38 to 36. Another point from the opponents and we would lose. Our team was already exhausted but for our luck, it was Oikawa's turn to serve.
I could hear Asuka and Chiyo cheering for us. Also Mika was there. I can't disappoint them. I have to do something. Otherwise we can't win.
"Hey guys! Don't you dare and give up until this match is finished, okay? I will kick the hell out of you if you let our opponents win in such an easy way! In this state, even a team of grandmas could beat us. Push your lazy asses up and show this guys who's the stronger team! So trashykawa, do the greatest serve of your whole life!"
I earned a harsh gaze from the referee, but it worked. Everyone cheered up and I was sure that we were able to turn the tables.
So, Oikawa. Come on, do a nice serve!
At this moment, the ball flew over my head to the opponent's side. Damn! They recieved it!
I got ready to jump and block it as the ball came nearer to us.
I jumped as high as possible. The guy who spiked the ball was directly in front of me.
And then...
A short whistle, followed by a longer one. This game was decided. The opponents screamed in happiness, but not a single sound from our side. No one seemed to be in the mood to say something. Everyone stood there.
Paralyzed. Weakened. Unfortunate.
I guess we lost...

~Time skip again~

It was evening and I laid in my bed. I stared at the ceiling for hours. I didn't want to do something else.
I couldn't do something else...
I felt weak. Like a loser. The ball was spiked right through my hands. As if they weren't there...
If only I could have blocked this attack... We could have won...
I opened my window for some fresh air and looked into [f/n]'s room.
It was dark. She wasn't there.
But I could definetly make out the sound of a piano and her window was open. She definetly wanted me to come over, so I did. I quietly placed myself next to her and listened to her play. It sounded quiet different from the usual piano pieces she played. It sounded like an emotional roller coaster. I felt happy, sad, angry and calm the same time. I slowly laid my head on her shoulder. I could hear her breathing. Quite contrary to the her piano piece, it was steady and calming.
I looked out of the window and saw something twinkling in the light of the street lamp. It was snow. The first snowfall in this winter.
I closed my eyes and felt something warm running down my face. After all, I couldn't hold it back anymore.
"We lost."
"I know."

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