Chapter 7

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A/N- Listen to that theme song if you wish to for extra effects...but start listening when they get into the elevator :D i mean what...I didn't spoil anything...

(Y/N)'s POV

It was morning.

A typical spring morning. Before I used to hate them, the stupid alarm clocks, and having to wake up for school. I hated it to death. But today, only one thing was enough to make this morning absolutely perfect for me.

"They're too darn adorable."

I whispered to myself, already out of my comfortable dream heaven and now standing next to Chara's bed, my eyes probably sparkling with awe. I leaned in closer, resting my elbows on my knees with my face in my hands, eyes focusing on Chara's face.

Their chocolate coloured hair spread out over the pillow, and their beautiful long eyelashes, along with the soft exhales and inhales of air which came through their parted lips were just so pretty.

'Why do they have to be so...precious...I feel as if....I could kiss them...' and before I realised it, I started unconsciously leaning in.

'Woah woah woah woah woah!! What the heck do i think I'm doing?! As if I'd ever non-consensually kiss somebody like that! I can't even do it, though... No wait, that's not the big problem here!'

I panicked, and literally fell back from the realisation of what I was just about to do. As I'm laid on the floor, my cheeks burned up while I stared at the ceiling.

"I-it's okay, just calm doown, deep breaths-NO I CAN'T CALM DOWN WHAT WAS I ABOUT TO DOOOO??!" I started blubbering and talking to myself with my face in my hands, still weirded out by my own actions.

"What the fuck are you doing?"

I heard a voice coming above me. I stopped in my tracks and looked up, to meet Chara's sleepy red eyes, staring at me with eyebrows raised.

"W-What do you mean, I-I'm not doing anything...." I nervously exclaimed, only making Chara look even more suspicious of me.

"You were literally trashing around on the floor and chanting some shit, I was just about ready for the devil to fly through the roof..." I blushed in realisation, and then got up, dusting off my clothes as I did so.

"You must've been dreaming." I say casually, trying to keep my cool, as I embarrasingly walk out of the room.

"I'm going to the bathroom."

"Uh-hate to break it to you, but that's the balcony, (Y/N)-" Yet again, I was informed by Chara. As I opened the door, a wet substance hit my face.

Looking up, I saw a pile of snow just above the door, about to fall off the roof. Just before it did, I was pulled backwards by my sleeve, and landed on the floor.

"You idiot! What the heck is up with you?? Are you alright? Did the stuffy Underground air get to you?" Yet again, I was saved by Chara, tho their voice sounded a bit like they were about to burst out laughing

"I-I'm sorry, I'll just.. Go take a shower..."

"Well you almost did in that snow just now.." Chara said, and as I looked up I saw their face was bright red, with their hand placed over their mouth.

Stay with me-Chara x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now