Chapter 6

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A/N- dont forget the song <3 this shit was my JAm back in middle school

Chara's POV

I walked around on the bed of flowers impatiently. '(Y/N) should've been here already..They usually come around this time..Maybe i should go look for 'em? I don't know what to do, I mean maybe something happened--no wait..What am i saying? T-There's no way I'd ever be this worried for a HUMAN, I'm just..wondering...yes. I'm wondering what's taking them so long just because I'm bored..'

A rope falling on my head awoke me from my thoughts. I looked up, gasping and then barely dodging (Y/N) as they unceremoniously dropped to the ground next to me. 'Damn their aim..How come they always get so close to falling on me?'

"What took you so long? Not like I care, I was just bored." I looked to the side and avoided their gaze. I heard them giggle, sounding a bit sad, but it could've been my imagination.

"Damn Char-Char, why are you so adorable~?" They asked, making my cheeks almost blow up from blushing.

"W-What?? A-Adorable?! Me!? A-As if I am! Don't call me that, you weird human..'' I looked away again, my cheeks burning.

"Awe, c'mon Chara, I'm just teasing ya~ Look at that cute reaction~'' They said, and I looked at them with an annoyed look on my face.

"Why you...'' I picked up a flower from the ground and threw it at them. (Y/N) looked at me with a poker face.

"Seriously Chara? You throw a flower at me?'' I blushed even more, crossing my arms across my chest.

"S-Shut up, It's not like i can touch you to hit you, so i had to use something..'' I looked over at them, sighing, and then just as I opened my mouth to say something, they beat me to it.

"Hey Chara?''

"Yeah?" I asked.

"I was wondering...Could you maybe uh...Y'know... go outside? Like fly up as I climb this rope so we could, enjoy fresh air and stuff...I wasn't sure if you could, so I don't want to sound rude and just tell you to go with me..'' They looked to the side, fidgeting with the hem of their shirt, and I let out a sigh, and smiled.

"Sure I can." They looked at me with eyes full of excitement; almost jumping on the spot.

"Really!? Oh god, for real??"

"Yes, really. Geez, is it that unbelievable?''

''YES! I-I mean, no, nothing, w-we can go now!'' (Y/N) exclaimed happily, and started climbing the rope.

''Race you there!''

"I'm pretty sure I'd win, ya know...You are on a rope and I'm  defying gravity, after all..'' I looked at (Y/N) climbing, and rolled my eyes. Sighing out, I flew to the top, and grabbed their rope, pulling it up to me. I heard a small gasp from (Y/N), and I snickered.

After I pulled their rope up, they landed on the ground right by the hole and swung their arms out, attempting to hold on to me for support and not fall down in the Underground, but then fell through me to the floor.

Stay with me-Chara x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now