Chapter 9

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A/N- it isn't the last chapter, i lied.. but heres the calm before the storm (also song 4 feels even tho everything i write is cracky)

+everything written with two of these " is said out loud, and everything with one ' is inner thoughts, just so u remember


(Y/N)'s POV

It's been about five days since the last time I saw Chara. I almost lost count at this point, due to leaving my room only for the bathroom and to eat. My parents' attitude with me changed entirely, and they barely even talk to me as much anymore. I don't know why they're so passionate about this, but I'm way too tired to care. I miss Chara so much, I only want to see them. Each day seems so long, excruciating, almost as if every minute lasts for an eternity.

I sit up in my bed, staring at Mt. Ebott from my window. 'I wonder if they miss me... What if they're worried about me, and even went to look for me? This fucking sucks...' I sigh as my mother enters my room suddenly, startling me. She gives me a stern look, urging me to look away with shame, but I refuse to give in and instead stare at the space between her eyes. The silence in the room is almost too loud. After what feels like an hour, she speaks.

"The Village's Council has made a decision."

Gritting my teeth, I prepare myself for the worst. 'Oh what, will they crucify me or something? Why the fuck do I need to live in a godforsaken village like this, can't they just leave me alone...' I think, my brain making up all sorts of punishments for myself.

"A group is going to scout the mountain tomorrow morning looking for the hole so they can plug it for good. I sincerely hope this brings you back to your senses, (Y/N). You're never going back there again."

And with that, the door slams shut. A few stray papers fly off my desk and onto the ground from the impact, but that doesn't phase me. 'What... the fuck..' I laugh to myself, half out of disbelief and half despair. My mind simply shuts off at this point.

Five minutes pass, then twenty, and after that I simply lose count of how long I've been staring at my stupid door for. 'There is... no fucking way. No-they won't do it. It's-' My mind rushing, I finally snap out of my daze and turn my head to the window. I feel a strong force taking over my senses. I can't think straight. But I do know one thing.

'It's dusk. Good. That means I have time.'

Chara's POV

It's been five days. Five days and 20 hours, to be precise. (Y/N)'s dumb little face with their dumb little smile plastered on it hasn't showed up since the Throne Room incident. I've been pacing around in the field of golden flowers beneath the entrance for what feels like hours.

The Underground lost its glow, as if the eclipse arrived and the moon shaded over the sun. We never even had a sun, but when (Y/N) is here... It's as if the ceiling of the Underground opens up, bringing gentle rays of the burning star down onto my face.

I slept at Snowdin, in the same bed (Y/N) slept when they were here. It's been so long since that day and yet the bedsheets still give off a familiar scent, almost as if they were here yesterday. The steps they walked, the places we visited together... Now just look like the old Underground I used to hate.

'I know It hasn't even been that long, and I probably shouldn't overreact but.. What if they forgot about me? What if they left and they're never coming back because they realised how fucked up I am? What if what everyone says about me... is the truth...'

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15 ⏰

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