Chapter 1- History is Happening in Manhattan

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Daveed Diggs' POV

I smiled softly as I walked down the busy streets of Manhattan,  talking to my friend Lin on the phone. "Yeah Lin. Yup. Yup. I know! You know, I know! I get it! I got the concept!" I heard my friend chuckle from the other side of the line at the Hercules reference I made.

"Just make sure you're here by noon! We have a few last minute things to go over."  Lin said, and I can imagine him running his hand worriedly though his long hair. Today was July 13th, the day that previews for the musical Hamilton began down at the Richard Rodgers theater. I was nervous yet excited to make my Broadway debut. And I know what you're thinking. Why in all of hell would someone make a musical about Alexander fucking Hamilton? He's the dead dude on the ten dollar bill from like 1776, why do we need this musical? I remember I told Tommy, "That is a terrible idea... Send me the script." when he asked me if I wanted to come to a reading of Hamilton. "... and Daveed!" Lin said snapping me back into reality.

"Yeah LMM?" I asked, pretending I had listened to his lecture.

"Don't do anything stupid." He said before chuckling.

"Too late. There is no hope for me now." I replied in a monotone voice, and Lin began to die from laughter.

"See ya in two hours man." Lin said once he could breath again.

"Peace out." 

"Oh wait don't forget to-" He began to say as I hung up the phone. I already knew what he was gonna say. Go to a salon to get my hair professionally washed. He told that to the whole cast yesterday. Not that Lin doesn't trust us with our grooming, but just so it looks extra nice and clean for the critics. This was aimed mostly at me. Because of my luxurious locks. I do take amazing care of my hair cause, come on you've seen it, but sometimes it's a hassle. It's nice to let someone else tame the beast once in a while.

'Don't worry I won't forget. Heading there now.' I send Lin a quick text as I put my headphones in. Washington On Your Side began to play, one of the workshop recordings. I smile, realizing how much this song has changed in the past few months. It's crazy. My favorite part is still in the final version. "SOUTHERN MOTHERFUCKIN' DEMOCRATIC-REPUBLICANS!" I shout out loud a little louder then I should have. People who were walking down the street turned to look at me, as I smiled cheekily, muttering a "Sorry..." under my breath. My phone buzzes. The contact name King Groffsause pops up. I chuckle looking at his contact picture.

"Groffy!" I say as I answer the phone, my headphones still plugged in

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"Groffy!" I say as I answer the phone, my headphones still plugged in. "For what do I owe this pleasure?"

"Hey! Just double checking that your coming over to my house after the after party for the sleepover." Jonathan said, and I could tell he was with Lin because I heard Lin scream, "WHERE IS MY COFFEE GROFF?!"

I laughed, "Yeah I'm comin' tonight. Oh and tell Lin it's up your ass." 

"That is too perfect..." Jon whispered before yelling, "YEAH COME IN HERE!" I got a request to FaceTime and accepted it too quickly. Jonathan's face appeared on my screen, smiling like an idiot. "He's coming."

Jonathan switched the camera so I could see his new beaded curtain. Lin walked through them in a sweatshirt and shorts, and his hair in a high man bun. "Where is it Jonathan?" He asked, walking over to Groff's desk.

"It's um... Well Lin, it's up my ass." Groff said, trying so hard not to laugh. 

Lin's face fell and with the straightest face ever he replied, "Well, looks like I'm going to have to get it then." He then placed a small smirk on his face, before bursting out laughing. Groff was also laughing but when he turned the camera back to his face, he was blushing.

"I'll leave you to it-" I begin to say before hearing a loud crash from an alleyway up ahead. "Uh... Guys I gotta go. See you in two hours."

"Okay, see ya later!" Jonathan said as I hung up. I slowly walked over to the alleyway as Lin's words flooded into my head. 

Don't do anything stupid.


In New York there are 10 things you need to know. One of them is not to walk into random alleyways. You never know what could happen. There are some creepy people in the world, and most of them live in NYC. And most of the creepy people in NYC live in alleyways. But I was drawn to the sound of crashing, while others glanced in the alley and walked away. Why was I  of all people walking towards the alleyway? I could risk getting kidnapped or killed, and if I was safe then I'd be killed by Lin if he found out I took a risk before an important performance. But I walked into the alleyway with extreme caution if that helps my case. I looked around and saw nothing. 'Probably just a raccoon or something.' I thought before shrugging and walking out of the alley. But then I heard a groan, a human groan and I peaked my head back into the alleyway. I saw a boy on the ground, not older than 16. I slowly walked towards the kid, "Hey you good man?" I asked softly, not wanting to start anything. He was sitting on the ground on the opposite side of the dumpster, so that explains why I didn't see him at first. He looked up at me, and I could tell he was scared to death. "It's okay man, you can talk to me." I whispered. He gulped and shook his head. 

"M-my sister. She's st-still in there." The boy said, his voice raspy. I looked at the only door in sight, and sighed.

"I'll be right back." I said before my inner Mulligan took over, and I kicked down the door.

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