Chapter 3- When You Smile, I Fall Apart

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Jonathan Groff's POV

"LIN GET IN HERE NOW!!" I yelled, laughing my ass off. Lin ran through my beaded curtain and rolled his eyes,

"Yeeeees your Majesty?" He said mocking my British accent that I used in the show.

"You need to watch this video..." I wheezed, as I hit the replay button. It was about 6 teenage boys in banana costumes surrounding another slightly older boy in a plaid shirt. All high school age, the oldest (the one in the middle) was probably a senior. Anyway, the banana boys were surrounding the one in the plaid and bumping into each other. The plaid boy was on the ground and the banana boys were on their knees. If that wasn't enough, the banana boys were yelling potassium as if they were summoning Satan. I had tears spilling out of my eyes. The video was two minutes long.

"Oh. My. God." Lin said before reaching my level of laughter. It was great. I love his giggle, it's so adorable, and his laugh... Boy, lets just say it makes me helpless. Once the video ended, we both sat down on the couch, laughing like there was no tomorrow. I then heard a faint ringtone from the other room. Lin stood up and bolted to pick it up. "Hello...? What?!" He said from the other room. "Okay... And that means what exactly...?" He continued. I patiently waited for Lin to come back into the room. Something seemed wrong and having Lin stressed out on opening night of previews was NOT a good thing. "Okay yeah that's great." He said to the person on the other line. I didn't hear any sarcasm, so that was good. "Okay, bring them over when you're done. I'll see if I can get them seats... Okay... Okay... See you soon." Lin soon came back into the room, running his hands through his hair.

"What's the matter?" I asked, standing up. Lin looked at me as if he had seen a ghost.

"Daveed found two kids in the street. He brought them with him to the salon. He's gonna bring them to the theater in about 20 minutes." He said, twiddling his thumbs. I could tell that he was super nervous.

"Where'd he find them?" I asked, not wanting to push Lin. I could tell his stress went up 400 levels. He sat down on the couch, and I sat next to him. He put his head in his hands,

"The warehouse on 47th and 9th. On top of that, they are kids from the Weehawken fire... The one that happened about 10 weeks ago? Everyone thought they were dead. The girl... Joanna I think, was being  beaten by a guy when Daveed found her and her brother." He said softly.

"Wow..." I whispered, just as Jazzy came into the room.

"Did Daveed-" She started, but Lin cut her off.

"Yes. He just called." Lin said, his face still buried in his hands. "Who else has he told?"

"Only me. I told him that I would tell everyone else but you." She said softly.

"What are we going to do?" I asked, looking at the pair of them.

"Well, we'll definitely help them get back on their feet. And then I suppose, they'll go into foster care." Jasmine said gravely.

"No." Lin said softly. I looked over at him in shock.

"No?" I questioned. "You wanna throw them back in the street?" Lin looked up at me, and I could see that he was slightly hurt. I jumped to conclusions and I KNOW Lin would never do that to the poor helpless kids.

"No. We'll adopt them." He said, looking at Jazzy.

"Adopt them?!" I said in unison with Jasmine.

"Yeah, why not? They won't only be my kids, they'll be the cast's kids. They'll be Hamiltons." He replied.

"Okay, but say we don't like them? Say they are horrible kids?" Both Jazzy and Lin glared at me. "What? Look, I'm just thinking about the worst possible situation here." I stated as I put my hands up in defense.

"Well..." Lin paused, "Only in that case they go into foster care. But I doubt that will happen." Lin said, as I nodded softly.

"Where will they live? Here in the theater?" Jazzy asked, as she sat on the opposite side of Lin.

"At times. Other days they will live with whomever they would like too. Kinda like sleepovers. And on the nights that they are here, someone will be with them. Now if you both will excuse me, I have to see if there is any possible way to get these two kids tickets for tonight." Lin stood up and walked out of the room. Jazzy scooted closer to me.

"Holy shit..." She muttered, "Do you think Lin is serious about this?" I nodded.

"You know Lin. When an idea pops in his brain, he makes sure it happens." I spoke softly. We sat for a few moments in silence before a realization hit me. "I'm going to be a father..." I whispered. I smiled softly and looked at Jazzy, jumping up, "I'm going to be a father!"

"Oh my god that means I'm going to be a mother!" Jasmine jumped up, before her smile disappeared. "I am 25, going to be 26 in a few days! I never thought I'd be a mother this soon..." I put a comforting arm around her as she sat back down.

"Don't worry about it Jazzy-" I began, but she cut me off.

"Worried? Why would I be worried? I'm excited!" She smiled, "I mean as much as I would have wanted to be a little older, it's still amazing! I'm going to be a mother!"I smiled at her joy, but couldn't help but wonder, what if we don't like them? What if they're horrible kids...? Nah, I'm just being paranoid.

"Well we should go tell everyone else, so Lin doesn't put any more stress on himself." I said, standing up and stretching.

"We don't want his hair actually turning gray by the second act." Jazzy laughed. I frowned,

"That stings. It's too soon... Philip's death is too soon." I said as I put my hands over my heart in pain.

"It's been over 200 years!" She chuckled. I smiled and put an arm over her shoulders.

"It will always be too soon..." I laughed, as we both walked out of my dressing room.


Just saying, the thing in the video actually happened. And it's one of the funniest things I have ever witnessed. It isn't on Youtube tho. It was at a Halloween party xD.

Enjoy the new chapter!

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