Chapter 2 - Just You Wait

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Daveed Diggs' POV

What the fuck was I doing?! Here I was kicking down this damn door to what looked like a warehouse, risking my own life. Lin will legitimately have my head if I don't die here. After the first kick, the door fell down with a loud thud. I looked back at the boy on the ground and gulped before walking into the dark room.

I shuffled myself inside, my hands in front of me so I wouldn't crash into anything. I heard sounds of flesh hitting flesh as I saw a faint light. Muffled sobs and screams got louder as I approached the slightly open door. I peaked through the small crack and saw a girl, around the same age as the boy, getting punched in the stomach. She was bleeding and crying, but wasn't trying to fight back. Well, how could she? She was tied to a chair and had a gag over her mouth.


There was a man in the room as well, punching the girl's stomach and slapping her in the face. "What a slut!" He yelled as he punched her again. She looked up at the man, with such hate as he grabbed her throat beginning to choke the poor girl. Tears continued to fall from her eyes.

I couldn't stand to watch it any longer.

"Get away from her!" I yelled as I ran into the dim room, as the both of them looked over at me. The man began to get furious while the girl's eyes looked up at me with such hope.

"Sorry pal, this is a two person party. And I see three people right now." The man rolled up his sleeves, walking towards me.

"Then it looks like you'll be leaving." I said, before flashing a quick smile towards the girl then glaring at the man. This man was larger than me, but I was taller and more muscular. He attempted to punch me but I just grabbed his hand, and twisted his wrist. He yelped before kneeing me in the stomach. I let go of his wrist and stumbled back before he punched me in the mouth. I tasted blood. I looked at the man before kicking him in the knee. As he fell to the ground I quickly unlocked my phone, ran over to the girl and untied her hands. The man groaned as he got up and started walking towards me. I gave my phone to the girl as she began to untie her gag, "Call 911. Tell them we are in the warehouse on the corner of  47th and 9th!" I said as I saw the man pull out a gun. I saw a trash can lid a few feet away and dove for it as he cocked the gun and shot at me. I felt something skim my ear. I touched the side of my ear and felt something wet. I saw the bullet on the ground out of the corner of my eyes as I looked at my fingers and saw blood. My ear stung like a bitch. I grabbed the trash can and like Captain fucking America, (A/N "LANGUAGE." Oh Steve you give me life. <3) I flung it towards the maniac. I hit him square in the head and he fell, hitting the ground hard. I stood up and slowly walked towards him. The gun was a few inches away from his hand but I quickly kicked it away. I knelt next to the man and checked for a pulse. After I confirmed that he was just knocked out, I walked over to the girl. She was shaking and looking up at me with fear as she handed me back my phone.

"H-here you go sir..." She whispered, not making eye contact with me. I took my phone and knelt down. She had blue eyes and brown hair, which was in two messy french braids. Her arms were bruised and she had tear streaks down her cheeks.

"Are you okay?" I asked softly, "Don't worry I'm not going to hurt you. I found your brother outside." The girl glanced up when I mentioned her brother.

"I'm o-okay... I've been worse. Who are you s-sir?" She asked, her voice hoarse.

"Daveed Diggs, at your service." I extended my arm to help her up. She looked at it for a moment before slowly placing her small hand in mine. I helped her up and then picked her up bridal style. She gasped in fear, "Shhh shhh, I'm not going to hurt you. What's your name?"

She nodded softly before saying, "Joanna. Joanna Kayla Jones." I froze. This was one of the two kids that went missing after the fire in Weehawken... "Before y-you say anything, yes. My brother and I are the missing kids, but we don't want to go into foster care. We just can't. The people who were going to take care of us were going to use us as slaves." The girl said, tears forming in her eyes.

"Shh, I know I know. Foster families aren't always sunshine and rainbows." I said, as I carried her out to her brother.

"JOANNA!" The boy jumped up, paused to gain his balance and ran toward his sister. He took her into his arms and looked up at me. "T-thank you so much sir. For everyt-thing."

I smiled softly, "I'm not done helping you yet." The two looked confused and slightly scared as the police arrived. Two men came running out,

"Where is he?" One yelled and we pointed inside. The two ran in and soon dragged the maniac out in handcuffs. He looked up at the three of us,

"I'm not done with you yet... Just you wait." He muttered, and it sent shivers down my spine. Just you wait. A line from Hamilton that meant two things:

1) Hamilton was going to do great things, so just you wait and see. This is said at the beginning of the show.

2) Hamilton was gonna fuck shit up and turn his world upside down, like he did in Yorktown. This is said during Non-Stop, right before the end of act 1.

This man's words gave me an uneasy feeling as the other cop came up to me, "Are these the two victims?" I nodded softly, 

"Yes, but I have it all under control. I will take them to my house, I'm a family friend." I explained. The police bought my story and left with the man inside the car. Joanna looked up at me,

"W-what are you going to do to us...?" She coward into her brother's arms.

"I'm not going to hurt you two. I'm here to help." I smiled, as I extended my hand for the boy to shake. "Daveed Diggs."

The boy reluctantly put down his sister and shook my hand, "Jackson Samuel Jones..." He flashed a short smile. He had brown hair and blue eyes, just like his sister. Bruises trailed up and down his arms, and he had a scar from his left eye down to the right corner of his mouth. Kinda like Luke Castellan from the Percy Jackson series. His smile was kind, but looked painful. These two have been through so much, I don't understand how I could stand to the side. I smiled,

"You two need some major relaxation time, and I know just the place to do it."

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