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Calum took his time getting dressed, trying to ignore the fact that Michael was burning holes in his back. He winced as he turned around, a lazy smile on his lips. "You gonna stare at me all day, or what?"

"Calum," Michael said, and Calum silently thanked him that he didn't call him bumblebee. "I want you to tell me what's going on."

"Nothing, I'm just whining, Michael." The Maori rolled his eyes, the grin turning nervous. "I just had a little moment."


He's using the word against me now, Calum thought, almost wincing.

The boy opened his mouth to speak again, much softer, so soft that Calum barely heard it. "What's wrong?"

"Can we do this later? I – I don't want to do this, right now."

"It's better to speak about it now than later."

His gaze on Calum was much like a therapist on their patient. Waiting, waiting, waiting for them to break. Eventually, the olive-skinned boy cracked under the flickering light, his stitched smile unthreading as his eyes became glassy.

Calum didn't want Michael to comfort him. It would make Calum like him even more.

"I'm tired, Michael," he said, sitting on the floor, "I'm tired, I'm sad and it's mid-tour." He frowned, letting the pale boy lift him up.


You're driving me crazy, and I'm confused as it is. "I don't know; I just need a few days to get everything together."

Suddenly, Michael was hugging him, his hands slipping down the small of Calum's back. Calum's heart thudded against his chest as he felt the pale hands slip to the waistband of his boxers, staying there, dangerously close to crossing the line.

The Maori was frozen, unsure of what to do.

"Let's go get some food."

They both got out of the bathroom, Calum with a blush on his face, because, yeah, Michael had touched his ass before, but this was different. Ashton noticed, and winked as he gestured to the plate he had gotten for Calum.

Michael went to go and find some beer, and the Maori sat there awkwardly, trying to avoid eye-contact. The blond, who Calum thought knew nothing, smiled as he cocked his head to the side.

"Go on, give us the details."

Calum looked to the blond-brunette for an explanation, but he only got a shrug in response. "I figured you wouldn't mind."

"I honestly thought Michael would be the one coming to us, telling us that he loved a guy."

Calum tensed. "I don't love him. And why do you think he would be the one?"

Luke raised his eyebrows at how defensive he was, dropping his mouth open. "God, I'm not being judgemental or anything. I just . . . you know, always thought he was flirting with guys or something, but I never asked about it."

Calum nodded, scratching the back of his neck. "He kinda played with the waistband of my boxers when we were hugging, but I think it was an accident . . ."

"No, no, no, he likes you." Luke grinned, licking his lips. "I see the way he looks at you."

Calum didn't say anything else as he ate his dinner, Michael finally coming back with four beers. The Maori uncapped the bottle and drunk it quickly.

A Letter Before I Go ; malumWhere stories live. Discover now