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"Tonight is going to be so fun" I said applying my last coat of mascara.
Me, Marissa, Isabella, Rachel, and Rebecca are all going to the club for my 21st birthday. Marissa is 23, Isabella is 22, Rachel is 23, and Rebecca is 24. They're all my best friends. Marissa is probably the closest friend of them all though. I've known her since we I was in diapers.
"Trueeeee" Marissa said and we continued with our makeup.
"Do you guys think there will be any cute boys" Isabella said as she elbowed my side a little bit. I smiled a bit. They told me about this guy named Ethan. He goes there a lot, they all said he's really attractive. He followed me on Instagram about a month ago and we talk here and there. He doesn't know I'm going to that club tonight, so there's a 50/50 chance I'll see him.
"Are you talking about that Ethan guy?" I smirked
"Well obviously" they all shouted a bit and I chucked.
"He's too attractive for me" I blushed
"Are you stupid?! Penelope you're the hottest girl I know"
"Rachel shut up. You're prettier than me."
Finally, we finished all our makeup, I put on a little fitted black dress with some strappy heels. Marissa wore a low cut purple shirt. The ones that go like almost down to the start of your stomach, right below your chest, and black leggings with these cute heels.
Rachel wore a red dress. She's really small but she has curves, so she looked really really good in it. Isabella rocked a very cute, short, dress and Rebecca the same but hers was leopard print. We all looked hot.
I called up an uber because most likely were all going to be too drunk to drive.
We got into the club and waited in line. As we were waiting a couple guys whistled at us. One guy gave me his number. I probably won't call him.
We got up to the line and showed the guard our I.Ds and he let us in.
The DJ was really good. The club was loud, there was some really really attractive guys, and the bar tender was really hot too.
"You guys wanna get some drinks?" Rebecca asked.
We all walked over to the bar and order shots. We downed them all.
I looked over to see a tall man walking over to us. Two of them actually. One was taller than the other with a blonde highlight in his black hair. He had one dangly earring, he was wearing a white button up shirt while jeans and brown boots. The other guy had a purple highlight in his black hair. He had a blue button up on with jeans, and a pair of black shoes. They were both very very attractive.
"Hey are you Penelope?" The shorter one asked.
"Yeah that's me" I smiled
"Hey, I'm Ethan"
All of my friends said "ooooooooo" and walked away giggling.
"Well I'm alone now" I laughed awkwardly, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear. The taller guy left putting his arm around Marissa.
"Same" ethan chuckled. "Um, can I buy you a drink?" Ethan asked.
"Uh yeah sure" I smiled again as we both sat on the chairs by the bar while he ordered our drinks.
"You're even prettier in person" he said into my ear because it was so loud
"Thank you" I chucked a little.
"So, I've never seen you hear before"
"Well that's because this is my first time" as I said that the bartender brought over our drinks. Ethan took a sip of his and looked back over at me.
"Wait really?"
"Yeah. Today is my 21st birthday" I said taking a sip of my drink as well. It burned my throat a little bit, but I can deal.
"Wow. Well I come here a lot"
"So I've heard" I chucked.
"Hey, uh do you wanna head to my place?" He said pointing out the door. "Or go somewhere else besides here?"
"Uh, yeah sure. I'll just text my friends" I pulled my phone out of my bra and texted Marissa telling her I was leaving with him. She replied with a winkey face and then an "ok."
He and I walked out and he lead me to his car.
"You're too pretty to be in a club like that" he said as he closed my door. "Let's go somewhere better" he said as he was getting in on his side. He put the keys in and started the car.
We got to this restaurant about 20 minutes away from that club.
"Um I don't think I'm dressed appropriately for this restaurant" he looked me up in down. Keeping his eyes on my chest for a longer time then the rest of my body.
"Compared to the other girls in that club, you're under dressed. But you still manage to look sexy. You know not a lot of girls can do that"
"Thanks" I laughed a little. He went over to my side opening up my door and helping me out.

After dinner we got to his placed. He's a riot. We've been laughing the whole thing way back to his apartment.
"You're really cool you know that Penelope?" He smiled "we should hang out again"
"Yeah that'd be really nice" I looked up at him "you're really fun to hang out with too" he grabbed my face and kissed me.
--- next morning---
How the hell did I end up in his bed?

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