Chapter 3

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Killian looked out at the parking lot, watching cars roll down the highway. Occasionally, one would slip into the parking lot of Medievals, the restaurant that he was currently at. It was an old fashioned castle type restaurant. It was themed from the old castles from around the world.

He looked out as a Chevy Cruise strolled into the parking lot and he immediately recognized the driver. Neal Cassidy, thirty years old. Neal had been working at his company for three years. Emma some time after.

Even though Emma had knowledge, Killian hired her for her attitude. He wasn't the man whore that everyone thought he was. No. He was actually a sweet guy. He planned to get to know Emma before he asked her out on a date. He wanted her to know that they could be friends. But, that plan hadn't worked out too well after Neal appeared in the picture. He had swept Emma off her feet. They had been dating for who knows how long, and whenever he thought about it, it made his mood terrible.

Killian watched as Neal went around the passengers side and opened the door. He instantly knew who it was by the blonde hair. As they walked around the car, sure enough, it was Emma, hanging onto Neal as they walked in. He could tell she was nervous about something, but he wasn't sure what it was. She glanced at him, but he kept his blank face on and remained seated. No matter how much he wanted to be the one on that date with her. He watched as they sat there, and then all of a sudden, Emma abruptly stood and walked out of the restaurant. Neal remained seated. Whatever they were talking about obviously hasn't ended well.

Killian threw some money down onto the table and grabbed his coat. He casually left the restaurant, only to start running as soon as he was out of the building. He looked around, hoping to find Emma somewhere. He ran, not knowing where he was going, but hoping it was towards her. He came up a few feet away from a blonde woman, wrapping her arms around herself. He slowly jogged up to her, hoping that it was Emma.


She turned around and looked at him. Her face filled with confusion and stress. "Mr. Jones." She acknowledged.

"Hey, no. Only call me that in the office. I take it by your attitude that your date didn't go well this evening."

"I guess I'm just not ready to move in with Neal." She shrugged. "It's no big deal. If you'll excuse me, I have a flash drive to look over."

Killian scratched the back of his head, hoping he wouldn't regret what he was about to say. "Did you two break up then?"

"Yeah. I think so." Emma said after a long pause. "I have to go. Goodnight."

"Swan, let me drive you home? It's not safe to be out by yourself."

Emma turned around and nodded. He placed his hand on the small of her back and led her back to Medievals, where his blue Porsche sat in the back of the parking lot. Neal's car was gone now, and for that, Emma was grateful. She wasn't sure if she could actually handle seeing him. She had no idea what she was going to do tomorrow. His cubicle was right next to hers. Maybe he just wouldn't show up.

Killian opened the door for Emma and then closed it after she was in. He ran to the driver's side and started the car, smiling at the perfect purr of the engine. The inside had leather seats and still had the new car smell. It was clean and scratch free.

He hoped that she couldn't hear how loud his heart was beating. He hoped that she couldn't sense how nervous he was, or how sweaty his palms were. He just wanted to impress her, and being nervous wasn't really a good way to start that off.

"Where do you live?" He asked, trying to fill the awkward silence.

"Tenth avenue." She replied.

He nodded, not knowing what else to say. The tension was so thick, it could be sliced with a butter knife. He didn't know what to say in order to make himself not look like an idiot. What he didn't know, was that Emma was thinking the exact same thing. She ran sentences together in her brain, but she knew that as soon as she tried to say them, it would become a rambling, mumbling mess. Ten minutes later, Killian pulled up in front of Emma's apartment building. He quickly got out and opened the door for her, offering his hand and helping her out of the car.

"Thanks for the ride." She said.

"Anytime, Swan." He replied with a smile.

"I'll see you tomorrow then."

"See you."

Emma went up to her apartment and closed the door behind her. She blew the strands of hair out of her face and went over to the window, watching Killian's car pull out of the parking lot and back onto the road. His car looked so misplaced in the crappy property of the apartment. She wondered what he was trying to accomplish. What he wanted from her. She didn't have any money to give, and she wasn't an important person in the world. She didn't have a name for herself in the business world, and she wasn't famous. The most important question, was why was Killian trying to get on her good side? He had millions of dollars, businesses all over the world, and he had his good looks that could buy him whatever he wanted. Why did he want Emma Swan? Why was he paying attention to her? She wasn't used to being spoiled. Her and her brother had lived on a farm with their single mother. They weren't used to being able to buy or have whatever they wanted. They were taught that if you want something, you have to work hard for it. Killian Jones just being handed to her was definitely not apart of the plan.

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