Chapter 17

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When Emma and Killian pulled into the apartment building, he parked next to her. They both went upstairs and Killian shut the door firmly behind him after he entered. Emma went into the kitchen while he lingered in the doorway awkwardly.

"Would you like something to drink?" She asked, catching his attention.

"Water?" She nodded and got down to glasses and filled them with ice, then put water into them from the pitcher in the fridge. "Thank you, love." He said as she handed the glass to him.

"You're welcome." They moved over to the couch and Emma turned on Netflix. "What do you want to watch?"

Killian shrugged. "Doesn't matter to me." Emma flicked through the movies and ended up putting on a horror movie that neither of them paid much attention to. Too lost in their thoughts.

"Why did you want to take the day off?" She asked, turning to him.

"I wanted to spend time with you." He said.

She smiled. "Okay then." She laughed and turned her attention back to the tv. A face popped out of nowhere, making her jump back and grab onto Killian.

He chuckled. "It's about bloody time."

Emma pulled away. "I didn't mean to do that. Sorry."

"No need to apologize, love. I am a mighty protector. I can be yours too."

She scoffed. "I don't need a protector, Killian. Thank you anyway, though."

"No problem, darling."

They leaned back on the couch and he put his arm on the back of the couch behind her. Emma snuggled into his side, silently hoping that he wouldn't mind. Which, he didn't. He smiled and wrapped his arms around her. When he looked down to her, all he could see was the top of her head, but it didn't matter. She was here in his arms, and God knows how long he looked at her to notice every detail of her face. To know that her eyes were the brightest green that he had ever seen. The faint dusting of freckles on the bridge of her nose and her cheekbones. Her blonde hair looked golden in the sunlight. Her smile could light up a thousand rooms. Killian knew he had never seen a more beautiful woman in his entire life. No Victoria Secret model could ever top her. No model at all had the ability to look more beautiful than she did. He used to believe that blondes weren't his type, but after he met her, he knew that he never really had a type at all. He knew that if they were to get married one day and have children, he wondered what they would look like. Would they have her hair color and his eyes? Or his hair and her eyes? But, he knew that they would be beautiful.

Once the movie was over, it was close to dinner time. Emma jumped up from the couch and went over to the phone. "Does pizza sound good?"

"Aye, perfect." He got up from the couch. "I'm gonna run home to change my clothes. I'll be right back, okay?"

She nodded. Killian went around the counter and kissed her cheek, then left the apartment. She ordered a pepperoni pizza. She put the phone down and got a glass and filled it with wine. She took a sip and moved over to the couch with both the glass and the bottle in her hand. There was a knock at the door, and she got up to answer it. Killian stood on the other side in jeans and a t-shirt. Emma stepped aside to let him in.

"Do you want some wine?" She asked, grabbing another glass from the cupboard.

"Sure." Emma poured the glass for him and handed it to him. "Thank you."

There was a knock at the door and Emma went over to the door and paid for the pizza. She brought it to the coffee table and placed it in front of the couch. Killian reached for a slice and held it in front of his mouth as Emma put another movie on. They ate and laughed along to the funny parts of the movie. After the pizza was gone, Killian couldn't focus on the movie. He found himself staring at the woman sitting next to him. The way her laugh brought joy to him was something that surprised him. He loved hearing her laugh. He always had.

Emma could see him staring at her out of the corner of her eye, and she had to admit, she liked it. She liked knowing that she had such an effect on him. That he couldn't take his eyes off of her. Why, she had no idea. His blue eyes lit up and she had to resist the urge to blush. He finally turned his head and she exhaled the breath she didn't know she was holding.

"Well, Swan, I guess I should get going." Killian said with a disappointed sigh.

"Really?" She cleared her throat and stood up. "If you have to. We both have work tomorrow."

He smirked. "I can stay a little longer if you'd like."

Emma rolled her eyes. "I have a lot of work to do tomorrow, seeing that I didn't finish all the paperwork from today. It's all your fault."

He stood up. "Guilty as charged." He spoke in a low, husky voice as he held his hands up. He leaned down and pressed his lips to hers. Emma's hands quickly found their way around his neck and his to her hips.

"Stay with me." She whispered on his lips.

Killian pulled away and cocked his head to the side. His eyebrows furrowed in confusion, wondering if he heard what he just did, or if it was just his mind playing tricks on him. "What?"

"Stay with me tonight. Please?" She repeated with the same whisper as before, as if she was afraid he would say no.

"I'd love to." He quickly kissed her again. "Lead the way to the bedroom."

This chapter is awful. I had such writers block when writing this. Hopefully the chapters that are coming soon will be more entertaining than this.

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