Chapter 15

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"Alright, alright, fine." She whispered. Killian lifted his head off of her. "We can give it a try, but only if we keep it a secret. For now at least. I don't want you to get the reputation that you sleep with your employees and that I slept with you to get this job."

"Deal." He spun her around and hugged her tightly, taking Emma off guard. "Thank you, love."

Emma giggled. "You're welcome."

"So, does this mean you won't be quitting then?" He asked.

She shook her head. "No. I'll stay. If that's what you really want."

"Of course that's what I want. As long as I get to see you often."

Emma cocked her head to the side. "Maybe now you'll tell me why you want me so bad."

Killian put his hands on her shoulders. "Can you really not see it?"

"See what?"

"Every time you look into that mirror, what do you see?"

She shrugged. "A girl."

"You sure?"

"I don't know what you're asking me, Killian."

"I'm asking you what you see when you look into the mirror." He took her to the mirror that he had seen in the foyer and placed her in front of it. "What do you see?"

"I see blonde hair, green eyes. Typical human stuff."

Although he chuckled, there was still seriousness in his eyes. "You want to know what I see? I see a woman with a firery spirit. Someone who isn't afraid to do what she wants, when she wants. I see a beautiful soul. Someone who is ready to fight for anything, no matter how big or small." Killian met her eyes through the mirror and saw the tears that threatened to fall, but knowing Emma Swan, she wouldn't let them. She wouldn't risk anyone seeing her weak and vulnerable.

"Thank you." She sniffed and wiped the tears away.

"Just stating the truth." He pulled away and gave her a smile. "Now, how about we go on a date?"

"Right now?" Emma asked with wide eyes.

"No, of course not. I'm not looking my best." He chuckled when she rolled her eyes. "What about Saturday?"

"Perfect." She hugged Killian one last time. "I have to get ready for bed. I have work tomorrow."

"As do I, so it is wise if we head our separate ways. Goodnight, love."

Emma kissed his cheek. "Night." She watched as he left the apartment and then took a deep breath.

She went over to the window and watched as Killian walked across the parking lot. She watched him get in his car and drive away, before she pulled herself from the window. She went to the bathroom and ran the water for a shower, picking out a vanilla scented shower gel from the basket of soap Killian had given her.

After she got out of the shower, Emma dressed for bed and then crawled under the covers. She grabbed her cell phone and found a single text from Killian, wishing her a goodnight. It brought a smile to her face and she turned over and fell asleep.

The next day, when Emma walked into work, there was another basket on her desk. This one had candy inside. All sorts of sweet treats had been inside. There were gummy candies and chocolates. There were packages of gum and caramel candies too. She laughed at the cuteness of the gift. She placed the basket down and debated whether or not she should go to see him or not. Would her coworkers notice and suspect something? She shook the thought out of her head and knocked on the door, entering the office a few seconds later. Killian sat at the desk, typing furiously on the keyboard. His sleeves were rolled up and his suit jacket was draped over the chair behind him.

"Is this a bad time?" She asked hesitantly.

He looked up. "Kind of. I am processing a huge shipment. You know I'd always try to make time for you, Swan, but can I call you back in in an hour or so? I'm really sorry, love."

"No, no, it's okay. I understand. Good luck." She left the room without giving him a chance to respond. Emma went back to her desk and grabbed the basket. She looked at each piece of candy and smiled. He had wasted his time to make this for her. That's probably why he was behind in his work. Not some silly excuse about an important shipment.

She worked steadily for the next two hours. It was 10:30 when he called her to his office and she didn't waste a second of that time. She knew he was busy, and frankly, so was she. Emma stepped into the office and closed the door behind her. The door was almost shut when she was suddenly pinned against it and lips were on her own, kissing her fiercely. It only took a few moments to process everything before she responded back to the kiss. But then, it was gone as fast as it came.

"Sorry, Swan. I just missed you." Killian apologized, but he didn't sound as sorry as he said.

"It's okay." She hummed and leaned her head against the door.

"What did you need earlier? I am truly sorry about that, by the way. I just had a lot to do today."

"It's completely fine, Killian. I don't expect you to drop whatever you're doing for me. Anyway, I love the candy basket you gave me."

"You did? I wasn't sure if you would or not. I was running out of ideas."

"Hey, you don't have to do that with the baskets. I'm completely fine without the gifts. It makes me start wanting to make you baskets so I can pay you back."

"As soon as you find out how to make an Emma basket, then I will be fine with that."

It almost hurt her to know that she didn't seem to feel as strongly for him as he did for her. Yes, she did like him, but it was weird to how much more he liked her. She knew that as time passed, her attraction would grow. He was a sweet guy and very cute.

"I can't wait for our date on Saturday." She said, quickly changing the subject.

"Me too. I have a whole romantic evening planned. Formal wear, darling." There was a sudden knock on the door before it pushed open. An overweight man walked in. "What is it, Mr. Smee?"

"Sorry to bother you, sir, but S11 Server is down."

Killian looked down to Emma, and for a moment, looked as if he was about to lean down to kiss her, but seemed to remember their agreement. "My apologies, Miss Swan, but I must go. We will continue this later."

She nodded and watched as he left the room. "I've never heard of that server before." She said to herself as she walked out of his office and back to her own.

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