Chapter 12

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The next day, when Emma woke up, she had a few extra minutes, so she turned on the news while she sipped at her coffee. There was suddenly a blurry picture that came up. The female news anchor spoke with a smile on her face as a headline came on the bottom part of the screen.

'Killian Jones caught with a mysterious Blonde Beauty.'

"CEO Killian Jones was seen yesterday leaving his company's building with a blonde woman close on his heels. She was seen carrying a basket that we believe was a gift from him to her. This woman hasn't been identified yet, but we will get back to you when we know more."

Emma groaned. "You'd thing that the news channel would report news instead of gossiping about people's personal lives." She muttered to herself as she shut the television off. She then went to get ready, ignoring the tv.

When she walked into the building, she could hear whispers from the people around her, and how they would take one glance at her, and then went down to their phones or turned to their friends. She tried to ignore it and went to the elevator and up to her office. She put the key in the lock and twisted it, finding that there was a bouquet of roses on the desk. She smiled and raised them to her nose to take a deep breath of the intoxicating smell. There was the sound of a door clicking behind her, and Killian leaned against the door with his arms crossed over his chest. One of his eyebrows cocked as he smirked at her.

"Do you like them?" He asked hopefully.

"They're beautiful, Killian." She turned from the flowers and put the frosted green vase back onto the desk. "But I told you to stop doing this."

"Swan, just let me do this, please? To show you how much I care."

"I do know, Killian. But it really has to stop because some people took pictures of us yesterday and they are all over the news."

"And is that such a bad thing?"

"Yes! Why is this such a good thing for you? Making everyone think that we are a couple? What do you get out of this, Killian?"

"I don't want anything from this Emma! All I'm saying is that maybe it wouldn't be such a bad thing if the public thought we were dating."


He shrugged. "I don't know."

She sighed. "This is absolutely ridiculous. Stop with the gifts, stop with the flirting, stop trying to get on my good side!"

"I don't want to get on your bad side, love. I'm sorry that my kind gestures are upsetting you, but I'm not going to stop because you want me to. I'm going to continue to show you that I'm willing to do anything it takes to be with you. I will be here for you. Always." Killian stepped out of the room and closed the door behind him.

Emma let out another sigh and collapsed onto her chair. She looked at the flowers that sat in the vase on the corner of her desk. They really were beautiful, but she just couldn't believe what he was doing. What he was thinking. Why he was so determined to get her to go out with him. Why it was even important to him.

For the rest of the day, Emma worked quietly. She went through paperwork and computer programs and did it all alone. No one came to see her, no one came to give her anything, but she didn't mind.

As Emma got out to her car, a woman approached her. Emma looked up when she heard the sound of heels clicking on the pavement. The woman had a black pencil skirt on and a red blouse. She had black hair that was pulled back into a ponytail.

"Are you Emma Swan?" She asked in a British accent.

"Uh, yeah. Who are you?" Emma asked as she shut the passenger's side door of her car.

"Milah Still." She held out her hand and let Emma shake it. "I work in the level below yours, making sure that the shipments are finalized. Anyway, I saw the segment on the news. About Killian's new girlfriend-"

"We are not dating."

"My point is, is that you should stay clear of him. I made the mistake once of getting with him, and it didn't end well."

Emma was going to reply, but she was cut off. "Swan!" Killian came running up to them and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Ms. Still. What are you doing here?"

"Just talking with Emma." Milah dug into her purse and pulled out a pen and a scrap of paper. She scribbled something down on it and handed it to Emma. "Give me a call." She looked up at Emma, and the blonde could see a desperate look in her eyes. "Please."

Emma and Killian watched as Milah walked away. "What- what was she saying, Emma?" He asked from beside her.

"I don't know." Emma lied. "She didn't say."

"Just, stay away from her. She's bad news."

"Really? Cause I heard the exact same thing from her. About you."

"Emma." He sighed. "Whatever that woman says, it's not true. She's an ex-girlfriend. She's going to make me sound like a complete asshole. You can't listen to her."

"With all due respect, Mr. Jones, you can't tell me what I can and can't do. What I should or shouldn't do. I will talk to her, and there is nothing you can say that will change my mind." Emma turned to go to the driver's side of the door, but Killian grabbed her arm and tugged her back to him. She gasped as she ran right into his chest. His arms wrapped around her to hold her there.

"Listen to me, Emma! You will not go and see her!"

"Don't tell me what I can't do!" She yelled and pulled away from him. She got into her car and quickly drove away. He was still standing in the parking lot as she drove away.

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