Chapter 14

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Killian carried the basket of candles to her door and knocked, quickly running down the hall afterwards. He hid behind a wall and waited, praying that she wouldn't walk down the hallway to investigate further. But, when he heard the door open, and then shut again, he knew he was in the clear. He went down to his car and left the parking lot, and hurried back to his house. He pulled up to the driveway and opened the door, then pulled his car into it. He hoped that Emma would forgive him. Although he wasn't expecting her to. He wanted her to know that he was sorry. He hadn't meant to attempt to take control of her, but, it was something that just happened. Milah had often told him that he was possessive, but was it a bad thing to want to be in control? Milah reminded him time and time again that he was a monster. At the time, he never understood what he did that was so bad. What made him seem like a monster.

When he got inside, Killian went straight to the kitchen and got a bottle of rum out of the alcohol cupboard. He unscrewed the cap with one hand, but didn't bother to get a glass and instead took a swig. By now, he was used to the burn. It tingled his tongue and burned his throat as it went down. Thoughts of Emma crossed through his mind, and it brought a hint of a smile to his face. He knew he didn't want to be the bad guy if they were to get into a relationship. He didn't want her to see him as the monster that Milah claimed he was. His feelings for her did nothing but grow while she was working for him, and they didn't stop when she started dating Neal. He sure as hell didn't feel guilty when he kissed her, while she was dating Neal.

Killian's phone beeped beside him, and it was an email notification. His heart beat became faster when he saw her name lit up on the screen. He placed the bottle down and grabbed his phone and unlocked it. His eyes skimmed over the message, taking in each word that was written down.

Killian, the candles were a lovely gift. So was the soap and the flowers, but, it can't continue. There never will be a relationship between you and me. I have accepted that, and I think you should too. I just can't get involved with my boss. People will think poorly of me, and I can't have that. You are a nice guy, but we can't start something that can't be finished. You should forget about me. I'm not worth the trouble. I never will be either. Just, please don't waste your time on a guarded woman.


Killian sighed. He took another swig of the rum in the bottle and typed out a response.

This is about what Milah said, isn't it?

He couldn't believe it. He had never tried hurting Milah's relationship with her husband. It was her decision to cheat on her husband. Her decision to leave him, but she didn't go through with that. Apparently, Killian was too screwed up for her! He sighed. He knew he was a work in progress, but too many women wanted the finished product.

When his phone beeped again, the bottle of rum was halfway to his lips, but he put it down to read the message.

A little bit, yes, but that isn't the only reason why I'm rejecting you. I don't want you to get hurt. It would be best if you stayed away from me. Which is why I'm sending in my weeks notice. Thank you for everything, Mr. Jones, but there is too much pressure on me. I hope you have a nice life without me in it to screw it up.

Killian felt his heart stop. He dropped the phone and the bottle, and grabbed his keys and coat. He ran to his car and quickly left the house. He drove to her apartment as fast as he could, not caring if he went over the speed limit or not. Eventually, he pulled into the parking lot of her building and ran inside. He pressed random buttons, hoping that someone would buzz him through. When he heard the click of the door, he ran inside and to the elevator. He pressed her floor number and ran down the hall to her door. His heart was beating so fast. He was so scared that she was serious and he would never see her again. He pounded on the door and worked to get oxygen back into his lungs.

"Killian, what are you doing here?" She asked in surprise when she opened the door.

"You can't quit." He quickly said. "I won't let you. I don't want to lose you."

"This isn't up for debate."

"Yes, it is. If you won't believe me, then I can make you." He cupped her neck and forced his lips to hers. She stood unresponsive for a moment, letting it transfer through her brain, but then, she kissed him back. When Emma pulled away, she slapped him across the face. "Tell me you didn't feel that." He said, ignoring the slap and the stinging feeling in his cheek.

"What I felt was someone kissing me!"

He backed her up into the apartment and shut the door behind him. "Tell me you didn't feel the sparks." He spun her around so her back was against his front. He ran his hands up and down her arms. "Tell me you don't feel what I'm doing to you." He lowered his head to her neck and barely touched her skin as he kissed her neck. He didn't want to start off forcibly by sucking marks into her skin. "Tell me to stop and I will. But, you have to mean it. You have to absolutely want me to leave you alone. You have to mean it that you don't want me give you gifts, and kiss you, and touch you the way you deserve. If you do, I'll call all of this off." He whispered.

Emma's eyes fluttered close as she let herself enjoy the sensations he was giving her. Maybe this wouldn't be as bad as she thought? But what if it was exactly what she thought it would be?

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