Chapter 1

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Ok this story is not stolen from doctor who yet doctor who is in this story. This is written on my iPhone so I won't have different fonts.-author notes

Hello my name is Jamie. Jamie Oliver l am thirteen have blond pink hair and oh ya I can't die. Well I can but if I do I'll come back as something different. Let me start from the beginning. In my first life I was 23 or 24 and I was engaged everything was going right. I lived in Hawaii and I was walking along the beach the sun was setting and I couldn't be happier but that's when it fell. To this very day I have no idea what it was but it fell from the sky a baby blue comet when it hit me it was soft and huge but had enough force to knock me over. And knock me out but probably 30 seconds before I blanked out a small woman dancing saying "I'm free I'm free,"

1 day later.....

"I think she's waking up," said a voice so familiar yet I couldn't place it. As I opened my eyes l all I saw was blurry faces. I think I'm in a hospitable I had a bunch of needles hooked up to my arms and there were a bunch of ivy's around me too. "Honey are you okay,"

"Holt don't crowd her she was in an accident," said a female voice I think it's my mother and Holt he's my fiancé ya. But their not the only ones in the room my brother and some doctors are here to I think. My vision is clearing up. But there is a strange man in the corner with a bow tie. I'm pretty sure he has a screwdriver in his hand but its a little fancier than any of the ones I've seen and I work in a hand ware store.

"Excuse me who are you?" I asked

"Oh I'm no one." He said as he walked out of the room and everyone acted as if he wasn't even there.

"Didn't you see him Holt?" I asked him as he sat on the chair next to my bed.

"Who sweet heart?" Holt said to me as if I was crazy.

"The man with the bow tie and screwdriver he just walked out of the door," I said as the new medication they were putting in one of the ivy's were kicking in. " he was just there," I said as I fell asleep.

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