Chapter 7

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Jamie P.O.V.

It was all dark and warm after I heard the bang. I'm still not sure we're it came from but I know it wasn't Holt who was the only one with a gun. I tried to think back to the incident but feel my head start to throb. It's just like a hangover. I thought squeezing my eyes closed and trying to go back to my black and white dream mindset. But then I feel shaking and my eyes shoot open and I look around.

No longer am I in the weird control room type place but a hospital type room. The only thing that make it different from a real hospital room was the fact I was in a bunk bed. i look over at my side and see Holt. I put my hand up to my mouth and think. "I saved him I saved the man I loved." I felt the tears of joy start to flood my eyes, that is until I look at my own hand. I let out a screech that could rival any over excited fangirl's. And jump out of the bed to reveal I was already dressed in my skull outfit I had arrived in.

"What is it!" I hear Holt shout and I also heard a thump which I regesterd as Holt falling out of his chair.

"Don't look at me!" I squeal loudly. My voice is so high! What's happened to me!

"Jamie it's fine we already know how you look." Holt replied quickly and calmly. I step away from the dresser i was hiding behind just to see a mirror.

"I look like I'm twelve!" No longer was I my normal self but a frizzy black haired African American girl. I ran my new fingers through my hair as I stared helplessly at my new image. I could feel myself start to choke up.

"I'm guessing she's awake!" The bow tie man was here! He walked in, I looked him over more carefully now. He was taller than me with great hair.

"YOU!" I demanded pointing my finger centimeters away from his face. He stopped cold, you could see the gears working behind his face. Trying to find out what he had done wrong. There were years and years to this face. "Change me back."

Holt stepped back. I, in my entire life had only gotten "calm" mad 3 times. 1) after my prom dated dumped me for a freshman, 2) right now, and the third time comes later in this story. The man after deciding it didn't matter why I was mad at him started talking.

"Oh I can't do that, because you are now a special species of alien what type though I am unsure. I believe it is close to a Hanbriger. Though, I can't imagine what it was like being turned into a cyber man. I'm the Doctor by the way," he stuck his hand out. I pushed it away.

"We already met when you took me from my hospital, then dropped me off two years earlier, were I then proceeded to get run over by a car! Now I'm here in this," I gestured to my body. I heard a chuckle from behind me and turned to see Holt almost burst out laughing at me. I shot him a glare and he stopped almost immediately. "How did I get into these clothes anyway?!"

I saw a blush rising up Holt's cheek and felt my anger grow. Turning back I saw the "Doctor" or however he was start walking out of the small door to the front of me.

"Oh no you don't!" I stated walking quickly behind him. What I saw next almost made me faint. It was the control room from my coma. "What the?" I trailed off as a giant tremor shook the whole room. The Doctor was running around crazily pushing buttons and switches.

Giant waves of shock shook everything. I felt my knees buckle underneath me, Holt who was behind me got thrown off the stairs and down under the control panel deck. I tried screaming his name but nothing came out, then everything went dark.

That was my first trip in the Tardis.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2015 ⏰

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