Chapter 6

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Author's Note

Ok i am just warning you that the first time i wrote the first paragraph that the broswer crashed and didnt save it and i literally about screamed but then i remebered it was 10:30 at night and my entire family is asleep. so i aplogize if this is a short chapter or if it just centers around one thing.

Jamie P.O.V.

I couldn't breathe. I couldn't feel all I could think was. "Am I dying? is this heaven or hell?" I looked around all around though was an creepy blackness it seemed to be crawling closer every second swallowing me more and more. i couldn't move though. "Like a fly stuck in a web" I thought. I felt the pressure of the darkness almost like an impending doom. I tried to scream but only one thing came out of my mouth.

"Delete" and suddenly I was wrenched out of the darkness and into a pair of warm arms. I looked and it was holt I tried to smile but couldn't I looked at my arm and it was metal. I internally gasped and it only got worst because I saw I was choking him. And I couldn't stop.

"Holt put her down" a calm voice from the other side of me said. I looked and saw him the weird man from my 'coma'. I felt something release in my arm and saw holt had put me down and that the man was pointing his screwdriver at me and it was making weird sounds. Suddenly images and voices hit my head like a tsunami. It was the man or Doctor. I saw him but not him it was disorganized yet perfectly in order at the same time.

"Help" I said quietly really listening to my voice this time it was metallic and fake. I could hear the creeping undertones that quietly promised death even if the person talking didn't want to do it. "Help" I said louder I started twitching on the floor of the room, area, place where ever I was. I felt a warm presence sliding down my face. I tried to look but I was paralyzed. Another warm presence slide down my stone cold face then another and more. Until I realized I was crying.

Holt P.O.V.

It pained me to see her like this. She was a half human machine. You could see some skin which reminded you she was human. Then the harsh metal that seemed to just contradict that fleeting human presence. I calmly stepped away from her so that man.. No wait his name was the Doctor could help her. But he didn't move. That's when I here a small voice say "Help" it was foreign washed over and scary.

"Help her." I said I saw the tears or what I assumed were tears they closely resembled.. No it couldn't be. Those 'tears' looked like blood. He felt his throat clench tighter as he saw her helpless on the floor.

"Help" she twitchy and sparks exploded from her chest yet it looked like she didn't feel them.

"Help her now." I stated. The words barely came out. I looked at him. He was just staring at her. "Idiot do something!" I yelled now enraged he was just standing their whilst my fiancé and love of my life was in I again assumed was pure agony. I turned and started shaking him. He still did nothing. "Your a doctor for Christ sake do something" I yelled but my voice broke and it came out like a beg for mercy. Which was it felt like.

"I wish I could" he said simply. I fell to the floor and shook uncontrollably.

No ones P.O.V.

"Identified" she said in that ice cold voice. "Subjects Holt Harkness and the Doctor. Both compatible," she sat up straight with what looked like exact precision. She turned to look at himself in the eyes. He gasped he saw her eyes the ones that held so much withheld passion and inner grace. The ones that one you got started would be burning an impressive jaw dropping flame that wouldn't stop until she won or admired defeat which was rare. But instead of her flame he saw that sent him over the edge. It was fear. Pure unbridled fear. And that just wouldn't do.

"If you don't save her I will." He said and he headed inside of the car and quickly grabbed a gun.

"What are you doing with that" the doctor asked putting his arms up in a show of no violence.

"She got hurt and was on the verge of death when she turned into that right so she'll turn back if she dies again."

"But what if your wrong,"

"Well I'm not going to be," he said putting his finger on the trigger and aimed. One clean shot right through the chest or head. He wasn't sure.

"But what if this permanently kills her,"

"Well if that happens you'll have two dead body's to take care of." and with that they both heard a...











Authors note 2

Okay so I wrote that top part a LONG time ago and I am just now finishing this chapter. So I hope you guys like it and I am really sorry about all the late updates I am just really bad with this kind of stuff. Comment what you think because with this I just went with the flow.

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