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"Watari please go and bring Rika to the closet," Ryuzaki mumbles instructing his butler friend to lead me away. "Where," I say clearly. "I'm taking you to the wardrobe then I had arranged for you to choose an item from. Please do hurry we have a funeral to prepare for," Watari instructed and left the room and you in complete silence. You had what looked liked hundreds of options but you eventually get stuck between three.

Deciding on (A/B/C) you also let your (H/C) hair down. Picking some black wedges you walk out testing your voice by saying 'Let's go'. It worked, but you decide to pace yourself anyway just in case you could hurt your throat by over using your voice. "Alright then, lets," Ryuzaki says coming up to me in his usual baggy attire and slouching position taking your arm and drags you outside of the current hotel and into the car with Watari driving. "Nice dress," Ryuzaki says in the vehicle eyeing you up and down. "I'm guessing that this is my funeral?"I ask evenly though in my mind I'm nervous. Hopefully no one will recognize me though I look pretty obvious.

"According to your family you had quite the temper but attracted a number of sorts of people around you; so it's an open funeral. Your 'remains' are ashes just to be safe." He finishes looking at me to see my reaction. My eyes slightly water when he mentioned my family. "Still have the temper," You mumble to yourself. Snapping your head up look at your companion and ask him to give you a disguise for obvious reasons. Of course Ryuzaki was ahead of you so he pulls out a wig which is the color of (Opposite color of your hair color (O/C/H/C) for further reference). Putting the wig on you keep adjusting it until Ryuzaki stops you by putting a hand on your shoulder "No need to worry," He says in monotone, "It's under a 20% chance that anyone there will recognize you with just a wig," He finishes removing his soft hand from your shoulder. You want to ask him how he knows but you stop yourself and shortly after the car stops and you both step out of the vehicle.

Immediately you both make your way towards the crowd of people preparing for the funeral. Ryuzaki grabs your hand and you trying making him let go with a scowl until he whispers in your ear "Relax it's just a cover that we're together, Rika," He says using my cover name.

"Hello, are you here for (F/N) (L/N)'s funeral?" Someone asks from next to us. The voice is painfully familiar and looking toward the owner of the voice the pain just increased. Ryuzaki recognizes your own tension and puts his hand back on your shoulder, answering for the both of you saying "Yes we are; while she was up at college we me and then at her work she met Rika. We wanted to pay our respects for our friend and to thank her for having us meet."

"She never mentioned any boy for her whole two years in college," Julie, your older sister replies her eyes lighting up with possibilities for a just moment and then the light faded again. She leaves you and your companion alone the tension never lifting from you. "It's alright (F/N) everything will end well," He tries encouraging  but the fact that he knew your name caught you off guard and you demanded, "How did you know my real name?"

"Your name tag at Ts' Coffee and Tea was on when I ordered that tea," He replies going back to complete monotone and sat down at a random seat me following suit. That's when I noticed his sitting position "Can you...put your feet down?" You ask wanting to get the few stares away from you especially since this is your own funeral. "If I do then my deduction skills will drop by 40%," He counters and you groan and pull his feet onto the grass of the outside funeral. All he does is stare at me in surprise and mumble to him, "Have some respect for the dead Ryuzaki," And look up to the small wooden platform that was brought up. There was what seemed like a black meal canvas frame that had a giant picture of me one it and I smile at the thought of it.

"(F/L) was a great older sister and I would like to apologize to her from here o Earth for all the trouble that I've ever caused her," Kaitlyn continues for a good seven minutes before your younger sisters tears made it impossible to speak so she left the stage; the next person to go up is Julie your older sister.

"My younger sister by two years: (F/N) (L/N) was a smart student. She wasn't at the top of her grades but she was good with getting the truth out of people. I wanted to help people too so we made a pact; the pact was that we would go into the police together. (F/N) would have been a profiler and I would've been an officer. That was our pact, but as things turned out that didn't quite happen," 'Here it comes' you think having your temper rise. "She tried saving someone that had possession of a gun once at her college. One misstep led to another until the student shot her in the upper thigh and then himself in the head." You blocked out the rest which wasn't much from her and then a few words from your loving mother and father. It was a bittersweet feeling seeing them up there and saying nice thing about you.

Finally the funeral came to a close so you and Ryuzaki head back o the car. Before you sat down you saw Kaitlyn looking a little lost and extremely sad. Without saying anything you rush back towards the unreal and immediately talk to Kaitlyn. "You really messed with her so much?" You ask already knowing the answer "Yes I wanted to apologize after she came home for the holidays and it's just this and-and-"She couldn't control herself and threw herself at you, sobbing her eyes out.

The years separating the ages for you and Kaitlyn are ten; her being twelve and you being twenty two. Julie went off with her dream to become a police officer but in a different town being the age of 27. "Hey," You pat the twelve year old on the back and kneel down to her under average height. "I'm going to tell you a secret I don't want you to tell anyone okay?" You receive a nod from the small girl and continue saying in a hushed voice "Your sister, (Y/N) died indirectly because of Kira, apparently he wanted to test his limitations so she just got caught in the cross fire," You tell Kaitlyn remembering what Ryuzaki told you. The look on Kaitlyn's face made her look like she wanted to scream hit something. 'Hey, you're not the only one with a short temper' you think to yourself wanting to laugh.

"I'm on the case with the person I came with so I promise you that we will find Kira and avenge your sisters' death." You end solemnly. She looks hesitant to believe and before she can ask questions you say, "I'm going to give this to you, and call whenever you feel like it. Just be sure to ask for Rika though," Writing Wataris' number down onto her wrist with a pen.

Standing up you wave at the twelve year old and get back into the car taking a seat besides Ryuzaki. "Was that a good idea?" He asked looking bored. You for one I feeling tired started to nod off but answered anyways, "I read her body language, she won't tell anyone and she is young but she isn't stupid." You defend feeling your eyes go heavy but fight it feeling a slight sense of panic and kept trying to keep my eyes open.

A Click! Was heard and you feel you head being pushed to the side resting against Ryuzaki's shoulder. "What're you doing?" You ask feeling dumbfounded. "Weren't you majoring in psychology?" He asks rhetorically and continued, "Because of the way you were choked you're afraid to fall asleep with something holding you back. But without the seat belt there is a higher chance that you will die if this car ever got into a crash so by having your head on my body I can protect you and the difference between this and a seatbelt breaks about even." He finishes looking down at you.

"If I wasn't about to pass out I would hit you,"You mumble drifting off to sleep.oogle��V�dY�

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