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The sun was setting, dusk was always your favorite time of day and you always loved the rain. You start to hum feeling the warmth of the sun disappear. "My sunshine...my only sunshine, you make me happy...when skies are...gray, da da daa da da daa, da da da da daa, who took my sunshine...away..." You mumble the lyrics and end up forgetting some here and there. By the time you finish the tune for what felt like the hundredth time it's dark out. "What are you doing out here?" The voice startles causing you to spin around facing L. "Hi..." You whisper feeling the cold.

"What's wrong with you?" He asks coming closer-with no Light-coming towards you. "I'm just...tired lately is all." You answer half lying. It's true that you've gotten less sleep and more tired lately, but it was also it got annoying to hide the bruises that Masahiko gave you. It was odd that he would do anything to you other than turn you in, but he didn't; if he was the Kira than you should be dead by now. "What's wrong?" L repeats putting his hands on the edge of the building next to you.

"I just said," You whisper turning around and putting your own hands on the edge of the building. "I know that you're lying though." He says rejecting your answer "Where'd you chain Light to?" You ask changing the subject. "The entire squad is watching him, it'll be fine. I never knew that you could sing," He observes "Can you do it again?"

Wanting to keep the topic away from your oddness you do as told, "You are my sunshine...my only sunshine, you make me happ-y when skies are gray," You hum the rest until  you get to-"Don't take, my sunshine...away..." You end resting your head on your boyfriends shoulder. The night breeze picked up, chilling you to the bone.

"Come inside," He advices "As much as it doesn't seem like it I actually do like the cold." You protest being responded to by, "You're going to get sick." This small argument went back and forth until he grabs your wrist and tugs you into the elevator. "But I don't want to sleep," You complain being pushed into your bedroom. "Well I'm staying the night in case you get those nightmares again." He wasn't asking as he referred to the first time that he slept in your room.

You head into the bathroom with clothes that Ryuzaki put in your hands. Sweatpants and a white tank top, great; taking off your clothes you put back on the pajamas and lather foundation your arms, neck and face.

Lying down on your bed you find L curled up next to you, eyes already closed. The moment you're relaxed and comfortable your boyfriend  wraps his arms around you pulling you into sleep.

Shot you in the-

Coffee machine wires wrapped around-

Beating everywhere-

Every aspect of nightmares disintegrated and all that replaced it were things that made you happy and made you feel love. Memories with Kaitlyn, gossiping with Mei your old roommate; the good times at the coffee shop, getting advice from Misa and lastly, L, Ryuzaki, showing you compassion while also focusing on his work.

For the rest of all this investigating your daily routine was on repeat: Wakeup, cover up fading bruises, work, eat lunch,work, go to rooftop in the cold, Ryuzaki gets you, both of you go to bed in your bed.

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