Bonnie x reader part 1

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(Y/n) walked into the old broken down building. The barely glowing sign said, "Freddy Fazbear's Pizza" Man I missed this place, she thought as she pushed to old doors open. They squeaked. Here she was in the middle of the night, working the nightshift for a place she loved so deeply. There they are, she gazed upon the rusted animatronics, Chica the chicken, Freddy Fazbear, and her personal favorite, Bonnie the bunny.  She looked to her left a bit and saw pirates cove. Heh, wonder how he's doin'? She walked down a long narrow hallway and stopped at her office. Well, let's get started!

~Time Skip to after phone call~ (Reader's Pov)

"Th-They what?!" She yelled. She quickly brought up the tablet to see where the stage was. Someone was missing. Bonnie! Her fingers pressed the buttons on the screen franticly, trying to find the tall purple bunny. Thoughts scrambled through her mind. She set the tablet down, and looked to the right pressing the light. Nope... Then did the same to the left only to spot the animatronic staring at her. She shrieked, and slammed her hand onto the red button.

She heard a man's voice cry, "No! Please let me in! I...I won't hurt you I promise!" 

She flashed the light, and saw the shadow of the animatronic was gone. Wh-who could it be? She nervously pressed the red button, and opened the metal door. Outside stood a man about 6'4, had silky purple hair and purple bunny ears, red eyes, a purple vest with a black long sleeve shirt underneath that hugged him, black slacks, and shiny black shoes. They stared at each other for a moment before she asked, "W-what are you doing here?! You could be killed!"

Bonnie's Pov~

Sh-She's so cute! Her (H/l) (H/c) looked so soft, and her (S/c) glowed in the dim room, and here eyes! Those (e/c) orbs went perfectly with her! She opened her mouth and whisper-shouted, "W-what are you doing here?! You could be killed!"

"I- um... I'm Bonnie..." I looked down nervously.

"Bonnie's a 7'0 tall bunny. Wai-" She rushed over to the tablet and tapped ferociously at the screen. Her eyes widened. 

"B-Bonnie?" She stuttered. She's so cute!

"That's my name!" I rubbed the back of my neck nervously. She stared at me. Then her cheeks turned red, and she looked away as I continued to stare at her.

Reader-chan's Pov~

He's... So... handsome! Holy crap! I blushed and turned away hoping he wouldn't notice. All of a sudden the bell chimed. I looked back up at Bonnie, and stuttered, "W-Well, I'll s-see you tomorrow." 

"Yeah... see y-ya!" He replied

I packed up my stuff and headed out the door.

Helloo~ It is I! I hope you enjoyed this! 

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