Jeremy x Reader (p.1)

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I am so so sorry this is super late! I've been really busy with  school, and my own weird emotions. (FOGIV MEH). Anyways! This was requested by @nyaracat. I hope you like it ><

Ah... Another emotional, and stressful day over with. Good almighty Fredbear....

Well at least I don't have to deal with school right now, and all those pricks, only bad thing now... is going to that stupid job. The boss told me we had a new recruit. HA! NEW RECRUIT! Last time we had a new recruit, he ran out of the building screaming for his mommy! Yeah, when he went to the police, and they immedeatly put 'im into a straight jacket.

Haven't seen him in at least three months. Then again the only person I accept around here is Mike. Mike is my best friend. We go together like peas and carrots! ANYWAYS! I'm rambling, sorry. I was on my way to, you guessed it, Freddy F*ckbear's Pizza. Excuse my language. I mean Freddy FAZbear's Pizza. 

I walked through the front door's, suddenly I was tackled to the floor.


"Ey, watch your language, toots!"


I turned around and wrapped one arm around him while giving him a big ol' noogy.

"Ah! hehe stahhhhp!!"


We sat there on the floor laughing for at least five minutes. Next thing we know, loud footsteps echo through the empty restaurant.

"I see you guys are enjoying yourselves," an raspy voice rang out throughout the dinning room. My eyes shot over to the voice.

"Oh... uh... sup Mr. Fazbear?" I awkwardly said.

"Hello, (Y/N). Now if you two are done, the recruit is here."

Mike looked over at me, and I to him.

"Oh boy..." we muttered. We stood up, and dusted ourselves off, then headed towards the office, trudging down the long hallway. I don't even understand why they made this hallway SO LONG JEEZ! Like, I understand there are murderous animatronics here, and if they made the hallways shorter the deaths would be less suspenseful, but this is ridiculous! After, FOREVER, we finally reached the door.

"Mr. Fitzgerald, meet your... 'partners'... Mike Schmitt and (Y/N) (L/N)."

The scrawny man turned around to look at us.

"Sup!" Mike stuck his hand out.

"U-uh... h-hi..." He mumbled shaking his hand.

"Hi! I'm (Y/N)" I gave him a sweet smile. His face turned bright red.

"I-it...-it's n-nice to meet y-you!" 

I giggled while shaking his hand, which was, surprisingly, soft. a warm feeling surged throughout my body (NOT PERVERTEDLY LIKE A FUZZY FEELING). I gazed up at him. His cyan (maybe? IDK I tried to look it up) orbs stared into my (E/C) orbs. I felt all the weight on my chest lift. What is this?


anyways! Hope you like it!

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