Baby x Balora

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Thank you @Gaby_the_wolf for the request! 

I hope this is alright. I have watched Markiplier play all of them, but I don't know if it will be good or not X~X.


Ballora stood in her place, wondering what to do. Her mind was all over the place. Her little "friends" whirled around her making a racket. Her pink eyes (IDK IF SHE OPENS HER EYES!!!) twitched with frustration.

"ENOUGH!" She screamed. The little ballerinas stopped moving, and stared at her. She heard movement at the entrance (vent). 

"Ballora?" a familiar voice called out. So sweet, and innocent. 


"I-" she choked out a sob. Ballora twirled over to her as quickly as she could. She kneeled down elegantly.

"What's wrong, dear?"

"I-I... N-" She could barely speak.

"Nightmare?" She asked. Baby nodded.

"Come here, darling." 

Ballora knew what she was going through. Every night she would have a vivid dream of the very same day, over, and over. The day was normal like any other, but suddenly Baby did not feel like herself, almost as if she was possessed. A little girl with red bouncy pigtails, and gleaming emerald eyes. Baby pulled out some ice cream for the unsuspecting little girl, like a loin catching it's prey. The girl walked over with a bounce in her step. 

"Thank you, Ba-!"

Before she could finish a clamp cam out and snapped her fragile figure. Blood seeped from the girls mouth. Screams  echoed through the building, and Baby's head, then it all went black.

Baby sobbed while Ballora held her in her long arms.

"Shh, it's okay. I'm here." She cooed.

She continued to sooth the tiny girl until her hiccups died down. Oil stained Baby's face.

"Better?" Ballora asked.

"Y-yeah, thank you sis."

"No problem, it's what family is for."

WELP! Sorry it took me so long on this one! 


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