Toy Chica x Mangle

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Thank you so much @ShippingGay for the request! I hope you like it!

Mangle's parts scattered across the floor. The same kids took her body apart and thought it was fun, but in Mangle's point of view it was painful. She scrunched her body up into the corner further, afraid that more will me discarded from her fragile body.

"W-WhY... WhY Do I DeSeRve ThIs?" She screeched all because of the voice box being tampered with over and over again. A mechanical sob broke through.

"I...I HaTe ThIs! ThE OtHeRs ArN't trEatED LikE ThiS! I'm JusT a MeSS ThaT No oNe CaReS AbOut!"

That night she cried for someone. She needed someone to hear her out. She was so lonely, but what she didn't know was, someone was watching her thoughtfully, and listening to her broken cries. It pained them. 

~Tima Skeep~

The next morning Mangle woke up, and found a small note beside her.

Hello there~ 

I see that you are in a pickle, and I am so sorry. You do not deserve that! You should be loved! I wish I could give that to you, but I do not think you would feel the same. So for now I will just admire you from afar!


Secret ;)

P.S. You will see me later~ probably after 8:00 p.m!

Oh my! Mangle thought.

"I woNDer WhO ThEy arE!" Mangle whispered with joy filling her fragile voice.

Mangle sat in her spot letting kids tear her apart mercilessly for hours, but she did not care. The only thing she cared about was who was her admirer from afar. She waited... and waited... and... waited... but nobody came.

Her eye teared up. Oil spilled over her dull eye. 

In the distance she heard the sound of mechanical footsteps. She curled up defensively.

A plastic hand settled onto her endoskeleton shoulder. Mangle flinched. She gazed up, and her one golden eye met with two crystal blue eyes. It was none other than toy Chica. 

"Ch-ChIcA?! Wh-wHaT ARe YoU DoINg HeRE?!" Mangle screeched.

"I saw you all alone, and sad. What's wrong?" She asked.

"I...ReCiEVEd ThiS NOte..." She mumbled handing Chica the now damp paper that she had been clutching while crying her eyes out. 

Chica giggled, "Heh~ Well, I guess you can find out who sent the paper~" 




Chica leaned in, and spoke softly into Mangle's ear.

"Why, it was me dear~"

Mangle's ears shot up, and blushed many colors of pink. 


"Yes. Sorry I was late, love~"

"I-I-It'S FiNE..."

Chica giggled lightly again, and swiftly kissed Mangle's cheek. Mangle's blush intensified.

"I love you, Mangie."

"I-I LoVE YoU ToO!" 

WELP. I hope you guys enjoyed! PLZ, if you have a request or an idea, PLZ give me something!


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