Foxy x Reader part 1

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PLZ listen to this song while the Reader sings like Gerard (but never gonna be as sassy lel)

"So... th-they... stuff me into a suit?!" (y/n) cried. (He/She) took the tablet and pulled it up. The phone guy did mention to watch on Pirate's Cove. I wonder why. (He/She) touched on the tab that said, "Pirates cove", and saw him peaking out of the purple curtains. 

"HOLY CRAP!" (y/n) yelled as (He/She) dropped the tablet. (he/she) fell out of the rolley chair, and sat in the fetal position. They started to hum to themselves and sing to calm down.

Now come one come all to this tragic affair
Wipe off that makeup, what's in is despair
So throw on the black dress, mix in with the lot
You might wake up and notice you're someone you're notIf you look in the mirror and don't like what you see
You can find out firsthand what it's like to be me
So gather 'round piggies and kiss this goodbye
I'd encourage your smiles I'll expect you won't cryAnother contusion, my funeral jag
Here's my resignation, I'll serve it in drag
You've got front row seats to the penitence ball
When I grow up I want to be nothing at all!I said yeah, yeah!
I said yeah, yeah!C'mon C'mon C'mon I said
Save me! 
Save me!
You can't!

Take me!

"Aye (lass/lad) that was some fine singing ya had there," a man's voice came from the door. (He/She) turned her head to the right, and saw a man with red hair, golden eyes like gold itself, an eye-patch covering his left eye, and pirate like clothes.

"W... Wha-?!"

"It's alright lass I won't hurt ya." He cut (him/her) off and stretched out his hand towards (him/her). (He/She) cautiously took his hand, and the man pulled (him/her) up.

"Th-Thank you..." (He/She) murmured.

"No problem! It's always a pleasure to help out a (handsom/beautiful) (lad/lass) like yourself."

(Y/n) blushed.

~Reader's P.o.V~

Who is this guy, first of all, and second, WHY IS HE IN A... Wait... I rushed over to the tablet, and checked Pirate's Cove. Foxy was gone.

"You're Foxy!"

"Thought it would be a bit more obvious, but aye I am."

I face-palmed. Oh yeah... clothes, hook, eyepatch, and fox ears... duh! 


What do I say? I mean there's an extremely attractive guy in front of me, and here I am stuttering like an idiot!

"W-Well... I am (Y/n)..." I put my hand out in front of me so he could shake it.

"Nice to meet ya, (Y/n)~" He took my hand and placed a kiss on my knuckles. I felt the heat rise to my cheeks. D-Damn h-him! Foxy's eyes shifted to my face. He smirked. I quickly turned my face away.

~Foxy's P.o.V.~

(He/She's) so cute! Their so shy and innocent! Heh~ 

"(Y/n)~" I purred. I stood up fully, and pulled (him/her) closer to me. (He/She) squeaked out in surprise. I swiped (his/her) hair out of their eyes. (His/Her) whole face is red! I'll make sure to take care of this one. Maybe, one day, we'll be together, and maybe (he/she) can lift this stupid curse off this place. 

Helloo~ Reader! It is I Author-Chan! I'm sorry this took a bit longer, I had the bad case of Writer's Block. UGH STUPID WRITER'S BLOCK!!! Oh well I hope you enjoyed this. 

Foxy: *murmurs* could have mad it longer...

Author-Chan: *eye twitches*


*starts chasing Foxy*

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