Vincent and Scott

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I AM SO SO SORRY THIS IS ALMOST A YEAR LATE. I took a long time off of writing because of some stress at school, and now I'm finally getting on the right track. 

This is for: @UrainianUmbra (again I am so so sorry!)

ANYWAYS Here you go!

The tapping of shoes silently slipped down the street as Phone Guy walked home.

"Huh... another busy day. Welp, gotta see how the guys are doin'"

Up ahead a small house, little and pasty white with dark grey shingles all in all a couple of acres with on tree in the front and back. Home, He thought with a content smile on his face. He took steps up the concrete carpet to the small, but cozy, house. He felt in his back pocket, looking for his keys, and pulled them out. He opened the door.

"Hey! I'm ho—oof!" He was interrupted buy the one and only, Vincent.


Scott did not have time for complaining so he went with the hug.

He begrudgingly stated, "Hi... Vincent..."

Vincent felt something off. Usually he would push him away, or tell him to get off of him. Vincent let go and came face to face with Scott, crossing his arms sassily while tapping his right foot on the wood floor.

"What's wrong Scotty?" He asked semi-seriously. Scott was caught by surprise. He knew Vincent was good at reading emotions, but at the same time he rarely saw Vincent serious, or at the least, semi-serious.

"Nothing is wrong Vincent..." He mumbled pathetically. He tried to walk around him, but Vincent was faster, stepping quickly in front of him.

"Don't lie to me Scott."

Scott deflated visibly. He heaved a big sigh.

"Come sit on the couch, hon~" Vincent demanded softly. Scott turned to his right and went towards the old green couch, and sat down lazily. Vincent sat down beside him and rubbed his back as Scott held his head in his hand.

"It's just.... Been a long day..." He muttered tiredly. Vincent's eyes softened.

"I'm so tired of this 'routine', every day is the same. Go to the restaurant, try not to die, make sure costumers are satisfied, blah blah blah..."

Scott felt Vincent's hand leave his back, and suddenltry not to die, make sure costumers are satisfied, blah blah blah..."

Scott felt Vincent's hand leave his back, and suddenly felt a thump at his side. He looked down and saw Vincent hugging his side.

"I'm sorry, sweaty. Maybe we could find something better for you, after all you work so hard, and I believe that you don't deserve that stress."

Scott's mouth curved at the tips, and he did something he, nor Vincent, every thought he would do. He shifted towards his purple friend hugged him back.

"Thank you, Vincent."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2017 ⏰

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