Chapter 18

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"Are you gonna go with her this afternoon?" Darren asked. You both were on your way to the very first rehearsal for the musical. You were driving along the busy LA roads. "Yeah. I just hope I can make it on time. They said they will let us visit if we arrive on time, and I'd rather visit first" you explained. Your GPS interrupted Darren in whatever he was going to say next, "At the next intersection, turn right and you'll arrive to your destination". "Great!" Darren grinned. You both were very excited to meet everyone there. As you turned, you immediately noticed a bunch of paparazzi there. You sighed. Why couldn't they give you a break? 

They let you park the car but as soon as you got out, you got attacked with flashes and questions. "Y/n! Y/n! Right here! Darren!" you could hear. Your partner joined you and put his arm around your shoulder. It was comforting, and at the same time, it could pass for a friendly move. "Y/n, are you happy with Trey?" one of the paps screamed before blinding you with his flash. You didn't answer. You knew better than to answer their questions, especially after what happened recently. "Trey confirmed your relationship. Do you?" another asked and kept following you. Darren shot him a confused glance, but didn't react more. Soon enough you were at the entry and a guard allowed you to come in safely. "Thank you" you said to the man. Darren smiled at him and you walked your way to the room the rehearsal were supposed to be in. "I think we're on the second floor" you said and started to climb the stairs.

 "So you're not gonna do anything about that?" Darren protested with a frown. "Uhm, I'm not sure being on the second floor is a huge problem, honey" you chuckled. He shook his head and sighed. "About Trey. The paps said he confirmed your relationship" he reminded you. "They could have said that to make me say it. And even if he did, who cares? If it's fun for him to pretend he's dating me..." you shrugged. You reached the first floor and started to hear music. It put a smile on your face immediately. Darren, though, seemed to have lost his excitement. "Who cares?" he repeated, "I care! Everyone thinks you're dating him". You stopped in front of him, on a higher step, and made him stop. "Do you want me to say I'm not dating him but you?" you said and put your hands on his shoulders. "I don't know... I mean, I'm not sure it would be a good thing to be official... yet" he stuttered. "Then what's bothering you?" you frowned. You had trouble understanding him. "I just don't want people to think you're dating him, because you're not! I'm the one who gets to hold your hand" he exclaimed as his eyes looked right through yours. "Exactly!" you smiled. "You are the one that I want to be with and that I live my life with. Who cares what people think we are? I don't care if Trey wants to pretend we are a couple. I won't play his game because at the end of the day, the only person I want to cuddle with is you, and only you" you answered with a smile. His pissed off frown slowly turned into a slight smile. "Ok" he nodded. He climbed on your step and kissed you lovingly. "Come on" you said and intertwined your fingers with his, "We're gonna be late". You pecked his lips one more time and dragged him up the stairs while a grin was forming on his face again. 

You spent your day in rehearsals and visiting several high schools with Jen. You didn't really notice her excitement at first, but now that you were back home, it was hard not to. "Oh my god! And this one was sooo awesome!" she grinned and pushed the flyer to Darren's side of the coffee table. He couldn't help but grin himself at the teenager's excitement. "They have so many clubs! But the other one had a prettier interior" Jen said, her mouth twisted. Picking one was going to be hard for her. "What do you think is more important? Clubs or decoration?" she asked. "Clubs" you both answered before giggling. "Yeah, you're probably right... I can't wait!" she jumped around. She took the flyers and went to put them in the guest room. "You two are so alike, you know that?" Darren smiled at you. He looked so cute with his glasses posed on his nose and his hand under his chin. "We're not sisters for nothing" you winked. Someone knocked on the door, and you heard Jen yelling "PIZZA" from upstairs. You laughed and got up to open the door. What you saw was far from your dinner. 

Three policemen were standing in front of you. "Y/f/n?" one of them asked with a very authoritive voice. "Uhm... yes" you asked confused. Your first thought was 'who died'. Please don't let it be Joey or Lauren. One of them stepped behind you, took your arms and you suddenly felt iron against your wrists. The authorive guy stood in front of you "You are under arrest. You have the right to remain silent". Darren stood up and tried to reach you but the third guy stopped him. "Hey, hey, hey, what's going on?" He asked, completely freaked out. You shot him a glance full or fear. "If you give up that right, anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law" the guy continued. "Where are you taking her?!" Jen screamed and ran down the stairs to be stopped behind she could reach you. "You have the right to an attorney and to have an attorney present during questioning. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided to you at no cost" you heard. You were so in shock you didn't really registered what you should do or ask. The man behind you pushed you to walk out of your appartment, hand-cuffed. "Please take care of her" were the only words you could say towards Darren and you said it so low you were not sure he heard. Two policemen made you go out as the last one was holding back your boyfriend and sister. 

When your feet touched the hard pavements, the bright blue and red lights made you squint. You were forced to enter the back seat. The last thing you remembered was the flashes coming from the paparazzis and the look on Darren's face.

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