Chapter 17

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Michael coughed a little, groaning as he came to. His body was tired and his eyes were burning, as he felt himself being dragged. He couldn't bother to open his eyes, groaning quietly as his feet thumped off the stairs with each step they went down. A muffled 'hurry!'was heard, before a loud bang echoed through wherever they were.

Whoever had been holding him, pushed him up against a cold stone wall, holding his arms stretched to either side. A heavy, cold thing clanked itself around his wrist and then his other, before the same was felt around his ankles, stomach and lastly his neck.

Another soft groan escaped him as something punctured the soft skin of his wrist, just below the cold thing, that soon warmed up because of his body temperature. More talking was heard, but he couldn't bother to make sense of it all, his head pounding as tiny but sharp things got stuck in his wrists and legs. A buzzing sound started up, fading away slowly.

Michael tried to push the fog in his mind away to make sense of the situation, groaning quietly again as a burning started in his wrists and legs. It started out slow and more like a stinging-sensation, before it started getting worse, slowly feeling as if there was a fire starting.

He finally snapped his eyes open, his sight blurry. He blinked multiple times, looking around him as the burning in his wrists started moving. It spread, slowly, from his wrists to his fingertips. He groaned again, throwing his head back with his little bit of strength, breathing heavily. His eyes fell onto the dark, gross looking ceiling, his eyebrows furrowing together as he tried to think of what happened.

He remembered going out for a bunny, because he wanted to try and catch it. Prove himself worthy of a wolf and Calum. Because honestly, he knew the Beta deserved way better.

He remembered blanking out half, letting something take over as he had done the last two times, only managing to take full control the moment he was surrounded by... he shut his eyes tightly, trying to remember it clearer. He saw figures, two, maybe three around him. He wanted to cower away, but instead he decided to be brave. Brave for Calum and for his pack.

Michael's eyes shot open and a gasp escaped him as the figures became clear. Humans.

He had been surrounded by humans and they had shot him with something that had made him stagger, before turning back and eventually falling unconscious. That was the last that he remembered, before he woke up to being dragged somewhere and being locked up.

He suddenly cried out, feeling the burning worsen. His whole hands and feet felt like they were on fire, while the burning crept up his arms and legs slowly. Very slowly, but still very painfully.

He tried to struggle, he tried to stop it, but it kept moving and hurting and he was getting dizzy and nauseous and he felt like just giving up. The pain he felt right now, along with all the other things, was much worse than he had ever felt in his seventeen years of living. He had been bullied, beaten up, called names, left behind and so on, but nothing beat the burning feeling, the dizziness and nausea he was experiencing now. And that said something.


Michael was confused for a moment, because this was not how it went. He had been in this situations so many times now -every time he went to sleep, nap, it almost even came with just closing his eyes- but it always ended bad. He'd black out, nobody would come to rescue him and that would be the end. He'd die, right then and there, being eaten by the silver.

"Michael, hey, wake up."

The black haired boy felt himself wake up slowly, his eyes opening heavily as a groan escaped his lips. He blinked a few times, making sure he was awake enough, before looking right at a pair of worried brown eyes.

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