Chapter 22

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Hello everyone! First off, once again so sorry for the late update. To be honest, I've just been really focused on school and writing other stories (which I plan on posting, eventually (and if you're interested, I'll post the descriptions below!)) and haven't paid much attention to this. But we're here now and hopefully this chapter is good! Enjoy x

"We have a situation." Were the four words that made everyone look up from where they had been busy with something. Whether that be eating dinner -in Michael and Calum's case- or watching a movie all cuddled up -in the two Alpha's case. They had sounded a bit panicky and even if everyone knew Luke was one to panic pretty quick, they still worried each time.

"What kind of situation?" Ashton asked the blonde, raising an eyebrow at him. Luke looked at him with big blue eyes, them somewhat sad but mostly worried. "A someone-has-disappeared-situation."

Ashton took a quick look around, realising all of his pack was here, before looking for the newest addition to the residents. But not spotting the blonde and purple haired girl, he realised that that was who Luke was talking about. Valeria was gone.

"But it's a full moon." Bryana spoke, in a questioning way. Ashton thought about that for a second, nodding along to the words, before blue met hazel and both spoke the same two words. "Her first."

Everyone's eyes widened at that, Ashton untangling himself from his girlfriend and getting up, effectively getting the full attention of everyone. "We need to find her."

Luke nodded, obviously already planning to either way, with or without help. Calum and Michael then looked at one another, wanting to help as well but struggling with the fact that one, Calum didn't even control his full moon change and two, that Michael didn't really either. Plus, it would be Michael's first full moon since the incident and since some crazy stuff happened with that, no one really knew what to expect.

Ashton seemed to realise that too, his eyes locking on the two who were still having dinner. "You two stay together. I want you to focus on Michael, Calum, help him out if needed. Luke," Ashton turned to the blonde, "you and I will go find her and Bry," the Alpha turned to his girlfriend last, "you stay at home. Just in case she comes back before us, she'll need comfort and you know what to do."

Bryana nodded, watching Ashton and Luke move out of the house in no time. They kept their human-form, not wanting to risk anything and knowing they could always change if really needed anyway.

"Where do we start?" Luke asked, as they were jogging through the woods, keeping their eyes out for any movement and keeping their ears trained on the sounds around them. Ashton bit his lips, letting his eyes flit over all the possible hiding spots, trying to think of a place the girl could stumble across or feel attracted to. He remembered when Michael first changed, his wolf-self having run off and ending up in a small cave near the mountains. It wasn't all too far and he figured Valeria could reach it too, before changing or after. "I think we should head towards the mountains."

Luke took his Alpha in for a second, before remembering -just like Ashton- that Michael had gone there. He nodded, the two of them moving through the woods a little faster, mostly in the hope to reach the place before the full moon would be at it's highest. Both knew that was the worst point with the first change and since Valeria had no idea what to expect in the first place, they kind of worried.

To their luck, they had some time left, quick to search the area and try and find the girl, if she was even here, of course. But Ashton was pretty sure of it, knowing the mountains had this certain thing to them that made all of the pack interested and be pulled towards them at times. He didn't know what it was, but he knew there was something and it made him happy to have found that out and be able to use it in case. Like now, for example.

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