Camp Life

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Chapter Five

Lunette appeared at the lake. The sun burned her eyes when she looked up which meant that it was around noon. She changed into my normal human self and ran to Headquarters. Lunette opened the doors to find Dionysus drinking a glass of wine. He scowled when he saw her but that was the only sign that he showed to recognize that she was there. Lunette walked past him to a door that read: ALEXIA, DAUGHTER OF ATHENA. CAMP DIRECTOR. She knocked, but no one answered. When she tried again, Dionysus yelled, "She's in the dining hall!"

Lunette sighed. The minute she walked into the dining hall she spotted Lexi talking quietly to Chiron. Lunette approached them.

"There you are!" Lexi exclaimed. "Gods, we've been worried. We were afraid that you went to stop the rebel-"

"Lexi!" Chiron scolded. "You aren't even supposed to know about that."

Lunette mentally smirked. Chiron had no idea that she was completely part of that. "Um, the rebellion? Yeah about that I know all about it. My mo- I mean my dad told me about it." Lunette nodded.

Chiron and Lexi stared at her. "That's against the law." Chiron said.

"Yeah, a law that my dad and Zeus created." Lunette snapped.

"It's still the law." Chiron mumbled, at loss of power over Lunette.

"Ahem. I don't mean to interrupt this argument but shouldn't we get back on topic?" Lexi pointed out. Without waiting for Chiron answered, she continued. "Lunette, where were you?"

"Um. I was sleeping." Lunette hesitated.

Chiron shook his head. "Percy checked your room."

"Well I was sleeping and then I went for a swim." Lunette lied. Chiron and Lexi narrowed their eyes at her but she just smiled. Lexi sighed and said nothing. She handed Lunette a list of activities.

"These are all of the camp activities. You must do at least three a day." Lexi explained. "You missed breakfast at nine. Lunch is at noon, now, and dinner is at six-thirty. Camp games are at four-thirty."

Lunette nodded. "If you don't mind, I'm going to eat."

She walked away without waiting for an answer. She spotted Percy who sat by himself. She waved at Amanda when she walked pass her table. "Hey, Perce." She greeted her brother.

"Hi." Percy mumbled.

"What's wrong?" Lunette asked.

"Will you please tell me where you went this morning?" He asked.

"I told you. I met my mom." Percy gave her a look telling her that he knew that she was lying. Lunette sighed, "I can't. You'll find out soon enough anyways."

He scowled and went back to eating. A nymph appeared and gave her a plate of food. She slumped and took small bites of the food. A horn blew signaling the end of lunch.

Lunette headed straight to the Battle Field. It was a field where the battle strategies and practices were held. She saw Annabeth fighting three campers who were failing miserably in trying to bring her guard down. Lunette watched the demigods' strategies and noticed that they all had the similar movements but different ways of using the movements. When Annabeth had successfully defeated the other demigods, she stood with a smile of triumph placed on her face. She looked around for another victim. Before Lunette could stand, Percy was there, ready to fight the daughter of the goddess of battle strategies. They both had silly love struck grins on their faces. Lunette rolled her eyes.

Lunette watched them fight until they had to agree on a truce. "You know, it's never fun if someone doesn't win." Lunette pointed out as she walked towards them. They jumped in surprise. "And, never let your guard down." Lunette added.

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