The Beginning

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So this new story is kinda fan-fic and kinda not. anyhoo i hope you like it!

Chapter One

Lunette's golden arrow slid past her cheek and sliced through the air towards the monster towering over her. It struck the target, the monsters heart, that the beast had fallen to the forest ground and turned to dust.  She walked to retrieve the arrow and threw it in her quiver.  She slung her gold bow on her back and strolled away calmly, as if she hadn’t just killed a ten foot monster. It hadn’t been the first time she had killed a monster and she knew that she would keep fighting them until she reached her destination: Camp Half-Blood. Lunette shivered. She couldn't wait to get there but at the same time she was dreading it. She knew she wouldn’t belong there. She knew that the kids would stare and whisper at the sight of her walking past. Her mother told her that if she spoke a breath of the truth her world would come crashing down around her.

Lunette reached a wooden sign in the road. Carved in the wood was Ancient Greek Writing. The words shifted until they seemed to appear in English: CAMP HALF-BLOOD. She followed the sign's direction and walked towards the camp. As she reached the camp, she heard the lessons being held. The clash of swords rang through her sharp ears, shields thundered against the other, the cries of the injured, and chants of a victor had claimed her ears. When she approached the borders, she was greeted by a cry of a young archsman and a tall monster hungrily stalking towards him. She grabbed an arrow and pulled the string of her bow as quick as lightening. It flew through the air and hit the monster's shoulder blade. It turned and glared angrily at Lunette. The monster charged at her, ignoring the arrow lodged in his shoulder. Lunette smirked before pulling another arrow and silencing the monster into dust.

With a satisfied look on her face she turned to face the camper. She walked over to the boy. He was younger than her, maybe a year or so. "Angel," He whimpered then passed out. Lunette groaned. “Great.” She muttered. “Now I’m gonna have to carry him.”

She shook her head, slid the bow and arrows on her back, and picked the half-god up. He was light, not that it would have mattered anyways. But it made it easier to haul him to camp. She looked up at the arch and stepped foot into the camp.

Lunette walked about ten feet and then a girl came running up to her. “Tommy! Oh my Gods! Is he okay? What happened?” The girl pulled her blonde hair away from her face and looked up at me, confusion spread across her face. “O-oh. Sorry I thought you were a camper.”

Lunette cracked a smile, “Well, I hope to be a camper, if I can stay. I’m Lunette.” Lunette shifted Tommy into one arm and stuck out her right hand.

“Amanda.” She shook Lunette’s hand. “Would you mind taking Tommy to infirmary?”

“Not at all.” Amanda started walking and Lunette followed close behind.

“So who’s your godly parent? I’m one of the daughters of Aphrodite." Great, Lunette thought, our moms hate each other. "I swear my mom is like a player or something, the biggest sleeping quarters here are Aphrodite’s and Hermes’s. Usually, the kids that don't get claimed by their parent stay at Herme’s cabin. Poor Tommy. He had to stay there for three whole weeks before he was claimed by Apollo.” Lunette’s eyes flashed and she looked down at Tommy. Amanda continued talking but Lunette tuned out. So if Tommy is Apollo’s son then he’s my- Lunette’s thinking process got cut off by a hand waving in front of her face. “Hello?  Are you listening?”

“What?” Lunette asked.

“We’re here.” Amanda pointed to a cabin. Lunette walked in and set him on a bed. She waited while Amanda talked to a nurse. “Hey, Lunette? Valerie’s wondering what happened.”

“Oh. Well, I really didn’t see any action between the monster and Tommy but I think he was attacked and I had arrived and I killed the monster. I think he lost some blood.” Lunette said holding out her hands, there was a few smears of red across her hands, Tommy’s blood. Amanda wrinkled her nose and nodded. She told the nurse and skipped back to Lunette.

“So you never really answered the first question that I asked you.” Amanda pointed out.

Lunette pursed her lips and looked away. If she told Amanda, she didn’t know what her reaction would be. She would probably accuse her of being a liar and then Lunette would lose the new friend that she made. But, Amanda would find out anyways, she would be hurt because Lunette didn’t tell her and then they wouldn’t be friends. She sighed.

“Is it okay if I don’t tell you right now?” Lunette picked her words carefully.

Amanda frowned, “Sure, I guess. Oh, I should probably tell Mr. D that you’re here. He’s kind of head of the camp. Well, him and Lexi.” Amanda grinned. “Lexi’s cool. She’s the daughter of Athena. She’s young too, twenty-four, I think… Anyways camp headquarters are over there.” Amanda pointed to a tall building ahead of us. “C’mon!” She pulled Lunette towards the building.

A girl with dark blonde hair sat silently in a chair, reading a book, in the front of the building. She looked up and smiled. “Hi, Amanda. How are you?”

“I’ve been better. Tommy got attacked by a monster when he wandered just outside camp past the borders.” Amanda frowned. “He’s gonna be okay though. Thanks to Lunette.” Amanda gestured to dark haired beauty next to her.

“Lunette. Little moon.” She said knowingly. “Beautiful name. I’m Lexi.” She held out her hand and Lunette shook it. “I basically run this camp with Mr. D. But unfortunately because Mr. D is drunk most of the time I do all the work.”

“I am not always drunk.” A man slurred as he opened the doors and walked into the sun.

“Dionysus.” Lunette said under her breath. The wine god focused his eyes on Lunette.

“Ah. Lunette we meet again.” He shook his head and mumbled something and walked back in the building.

“What was that about?” Lexi asked and they both stared at Lunette. She shook her head.

“Nothing.” She tried to push the memory down  but it resurfaced and moved to the front of Lunette’s brain, forcing her to relive it again

“The child should be put to death. She is a mistake.” A authoritative female voice said.

“She should be killed and sent to Tartarus. She could be a monster, a filthy monster that kills our children.” The face of Dionysus towered over the ten-year-old Lunette. He sneered and turned to the center of  the room where a powerful god stood. "Put it to death, Zeus. Listen to Hera. She speaks the truth. It is a mistake. A filthy mistake."  The words mistake and it raced through the young girl's mind. She lashed out at the god who used such harshful words. The fountain roared up and grabbed the god in its grasp and tossed him across the room. Anger flashed in the eyes of the gods against the child. Dionysus stood agrilly over her. Hatred thrust within his eyes that would forever hold against Lunette...

“Lunette? Are you okay?” Lexi’s concerned voice brought Lunette back to the present.

“Sorry. Yeah, I’m fine.” Lunette answered.

“So I was just saying that each half-god is divided into a group. That group is decided by your parent. Whose your godly parent?”

“I’d be glad to tell you who my godly parent is but technically I’m not half-god.” Lunette stated calmly like she had said a thousand times before.

Confusion spread across both of their faces. They looked at each other and Lunette knew exactly what was going through their minds. They thought that she was a goddess. “Who are you?”

Lunette hesitated. “I am the child of Poseidon…” Lunette paused, “And… Artemis.”

No worries! I'll explain!






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