Of Fire and Ice (ROTBTD)

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Merida's POV:

       The meeting concerning my imminent death had just begun. My companions was scheduled later, because apparently 'even though they are filthy scum, there are two of them.' It just warms my little mutant heart that these are the people who get to decide how well cooked I'll be. The judge, a wrinkled witch of a woman named Gothel, continues to send scathing glares in our direction. Her adoptive daughter will be sentenced after me: my best friend Rapunzel. She knew of her daughter's talents a long time beforehand. I'm certain she only regrets not being able to use them any longer. Looking around I am met with a mix of hate, fear, and disgust in the eyes of the townspeople. Rolling my eyes I stick my tongue out at a large, pasty woman. She used to cook for my wee brothers and I, until she discovered Punzie glowing in her sleep.

      Crossing my eyes, I do my best fish impression with my lips. Her eyes roll back into her head as she faints and falls gracefully on her round, pale face. I cover my mouth to stifle my laughter. She always was a bit superstitous. My blonde companion nudges my shoulder dissaprovingly and I sigh. She's much more patient than I am. Sadly, I cannot afford to poke fun at our tormentors, as our powers are nearly useless thanks to these wonderfully snug bracelets they generously provided us with. 

       Punzie turns her bright green eyes towards me, and I notice her face is scrunched in concentration. She shifts uncomfortably against the tight cuffs around her wrists. Suddenly a grin lights up her face and her long blonde hair shines a little brighter. She leans over and whispers something in my ear. I shake my head but stand up anyway. Now's as good a time as any.

        "I believe we are entitled to a bathroom break ma'am."  

        The plaintiff, a rather unnatractive man with gelled back hair, slammed his wrinkled hand down on the table. "I object your honor-" he began. He's basically objected to everthing we've said, so this doesn't come as a surprise.

        "You object?" Anger flashed across her normally bright features. My best friend rarely lost her temper, but when she did, you had best pray that you're not on the receiving end. She's been able to control her temper until now, but even she can only take so much. "I would like to overrule that objection on the grounds of incompetence." She breathed slowly, composing herself. 

        "Icompetence! You are the incompetent one, mutant. I have a degree!" He blubbered, his jelly roll face quickly becoming something that looked quite similar to the aforementioned desert.

        "Well then, you must know that we are allowed to be excused for an alloted amount of time, as we haven't been convicted of anything yet."

              Gothel scowls, but I could see in her eyes the affect Punzie's brief display of aggression was having on her. She was just afraid of us as the rest of them were, though she hid it well. "Then why don't I just convict you now?" 

       I nodded discretely to Rapunzel and her green eyes began welling up with tears she's been holding back. I know it hurts to  have her own mother look at her as if she doesn't deserve to exist. She lets out all of her surpressed emotions, and not even the strongest magic can hold her back. A soft glow emnates from her body, it's tendrils similar to that of the suns. Her long blonde braided locks whipped around her petite frame, long strands falling over her face. The lights that hang above us begin to flicker and shoot of sparks. Gasps echoed throughout the room. It was a known fact that none of the magical beings were resistant to the bracelet's binds. But they hadn't met Punzie and I.

        "Ten minutes," she manages to choke out, gesturing for the guards to take us out. "But listen up filth, you will never get smart with me like that ever again. Or I will make sure that you die in the worst way possible." Her sharp gaze followed us towards the door, rubbing her wrinkled hands together thoughtfully.

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