Harder Than You Know

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There's a song to go with this chapter on the side...over...there.... ----->


Andy’s POV

“Okay, I won’t worry then.” I lied. Of course I would worry. Her hugs and inspirational talks and stuff had become custom.

“Okay, good. Anyway, you know I love hanging out with you and all, but it’s almost 1 p.m. and I have a few things to do.”

I felt my heart sink a little. We were supposed to hang out today.

“Alright, well…can we do something later today then?” I asked hopefully.

“Yeah, we can totally do something today. It’s up to you what we do, but it’ll have to be at two, and we can only be out till four, because of tonight’s show.” She said.

“Kay, see you at two, then.” I smiled at her, happy that we would be doing something together.

She paused for a moment and studied me real quick, then turned and went through the adjoining door to her room, closing it behind her.

After a few minutes, at exactly one, I heard some Escape the Fate drift through the door.

I stood up slowly and walked over to the door and pressed me ear against it.

“How can I miss you if you never would stay?

If you need time I guess I’ll go away

Inside me now there’s only heartache and pain

So where’s the fire?

You’ve become the rain.

Are we just lost in time?

I wonder if your loves the same,” I knew this song, so I opened my mouth to sing along with her and the music.

“Cuz I’m not over you

Baby don’t talk to me,

I’m trying to let go

Not loving you is harder than you know.

Girl you’re driving me so crazy.”

After I heard her voice falter for a second is when I decided to shut my mouth and just listen. I didn’t want her to stop singing.

She put on the song Ashley. I smiled to myself and listened.

“Andy baby, you make me feel so alive.”

I paused and continued to listen for the next verse when they sing that part.

“Ashley baby, you make me feel so alive.”

I sighed. I could have sworn she said Andy that first time. It was probably that crush in my brain sneaking up and distorting what I hear.

I sat down by the side of the door and in between the door and my bedside table, leaning against the wall, listening.

I couldn’t believe how good she was at singing. Every song, you could hear how she poured her emotions into it; her everything.

She’d told me music was life to her before, but I never knew, really, until last night. The way she sang that song…It sounded so heartfelt and I think it would make Sammi and Bryan proud.

I should have recorded it.

She can go so far, I know it. She has the talent, the looks, and a wonderful, amazing personality that makes it hard not to love everything about her…

Juliet hadn’t been texting me back lately, and I know I shouldn’t be having doubts about us, but…I am…



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