Chapter 4: Waiting

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Jon had been pacing around the command center ever since Han, Chewie and Luke had left. R2-D2 and C-3PO had lost count of how many times the boy had walked back and forth.

"Young master Jon, why don't you sit down?" 3-PO asked. "I'm sure your father, master Luke and Chewbacca will be just fine."

"They'd better be ok," said Jon as he sat down. "I don't even wanna think about what'll happen to us if something happens to them. It's just that I never get to go anywhere. Yeah, Dad allows me to leave the Falcon and all. But I'm always told to stay in a safe place. And I know to run for it when something goes wrong. But I just wish I could fight alongside my dad and Chewie. Dad says there will be plenty of time for that when I'm older. But how much older do I have to get? As you've seen, I love my dad to death. I just want my chance to prove that I'm as brave and strong as he is."

"And I'm sure you'll get that chance sooner or later," said 3-PO. R2 enthusiastically beeped, as if in agreement.

"Thanks, guys," said Jon. "Just wondering, have either of you ever worked with kids before? Because you both seem better around me than most other droids I've met."

"Oh, no, I don't seem to recall that either myself or R2 have ever worked with children before," said 3-PO.

"Oh. Sorry I asked," said Jon.

"Allow me to ask you a question now," said 3-PO.  "When we first met, you mentioned having an uncle. Where is he? All I've seen is Chewbacca."

"When I said I had an uncle, I was talking about Chewie," said Jon. At this, 3-PO cocked his head to one side, and R2 beeped curiously.

"Of course, Chewie and I obviously aren't biologically related," Jon added. "I just call him "Uncle Chewie" sometimes because he's my dad's best friend. In fact, you could say that they're each other's only friends." R2 beeped.

"What did he say?" asked Jon.

"He's asking whether you have any friends," 3-PO translated.

"Friends, as in other kids my own age?" Jon asked in reply. "No, not really. I usually don't get a chance to make friends. Dad, Chewie and I never stay in any given place for very long. And as such, I've learned not to get too attached to people and places. However, I do often wonder what it would be like to have some friends." R2 let out another beep.

"What did he say this time?" asked Jon.

"He said that he would like to be your friend," 3-PO explained.

"I'd also like that, R2," Jon said kindly. "I'd like that very much." He gently patted R2's domed head. "You can be my friend, too, 3-PO," Jon added.

"Thank you very kindly, young master Jon," said 3-PO.

The Jon Solo Chronicles Book 1: A New HopeWhere stories live. Discover now