Chapter 6: TIE Fighter Attack

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"There wasn't anything you could have done," Leia said gently.

"And even if there was, you probably would have died, too," said Jon.

"Ben told me something very similar to that back on Tattooine, after Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru were killed," said Luke. "And you two probably won't believe me, but after Ben died, I swear I heard his voice in my head, telling me to run."

Jon studied Luke. In the time that he'd known the older boy, Luke had lost his aunt and uncle. Then he'd left the only home he'd ever known. And now, he'd lost his mentor.

"Blast it!" Luke said, sitting up. "What am I doing? Leia, you just lost your whole planet!"

That's right,  Jon silently reminded himself. No matter how sad Ben's death may have made Luke, and, Jon had to admit, himself, it was nothing compared to what Leia must have been feeling. After all, her entire planet had been destroyed right in front of her.

"Loss is loss," Leia said sagely.

"But look at  you," said Luke.  "How are you so-okay? I've been thinking a lot a lot about what's happened to me today. I've lost my aunt and uncle. This is the furthest I've ever been away from Tattooine for the first time ever in my entire life. And now, Ben is dead. I'm a nervous wreck! So, how do you do it, Leia? How do you stay so focused and positive?" Jon had been wondering the same thing.

"To tell you the truth, I want to cry," Leia admitted. "All the time. Every moment. But deep down, I know that if I start now, I won't be able to stop. And that won't be good for any of us. You and I experienced two very different things, Luke. You too, Jon." Jon looked at her. "I heard the way you screamed when Ben died," she elaborated.

"Oh," said Jon.

"But I do know what both of you are feeling, because I'm feeling it, too," said Leia. "We all feel alone..."

"Even though we're all surrounded by strangers," Luke finished. Jon looked between Luke and Leia. He couldn't believe the way Luke had just finished Leia's sentence like that. And he suddenly realized that yes, the three of them were all strangers to each other. But they had all gotten along great so far.

"Yes! Exactly!" said Leia.

"We just met, but I already really care about both of you," said Jon. "Sorry if that sounds weird."

"I care about you, too, Jon," said Leia. "What about you, Luke?"

"Yeah," said Luke.

"I hope nothing else bad happens today," said Jon. "I don't know what I'd do if something happened to you two, or the droids, or Chewie, or, or..." He couldn't bring himself to finish that sentence.

"You're afraid to loose your father," said Leia. It wasn't a question. All Jon could do was silently nod at Leia. He was about to say something when Han rushed into the lounge. Jon managed a small smile at his father. For the moment, the fears that Han would die were forgotten.

The Jon Solo Chronicles Book 1: A New HopeWhere stories live. Discover now