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A week had passed since the Battle of Yavin. A lot had happened in that time. The day after battle, a memorial service for the fallen pilots was held. It was a very emotional event. When a holo of Biggs Darklighter appeared on the screen, Jon glanced over at Luke. He saw his friend's body very visibly tense up. Luckily, Luke was able maintain his composure.

One of Jon's favorite pastimes over the the week had become exploring the temples and ruins on Yavin IV. Of course, he was careful to never stray too far for too long. He loved seeing all the sights though. This was the very first time in his life that Jon could ever remember staying in the same place for more than a day or two. He was determined to make the most of his time on Yavin IV, because he knew it wouldn't last. Han had seen to that. No matter how much Jon, Chewie, Luke and Leia tried to convince him to stay with the Rebellion, Han was still determined to leave after the medal ceremony.

Jon was so happy that Han and Luke were to be getting medals. But there was a problem. Han didn't think he deserved a medal.

"What do you mean?" Leia had asked him. "Of course you deserve this. Your actions were just as heroic as Luke's."

"That's just it," said Han. "I was just trying to get back to Jon. Sure, I helped Luke. But I'm not a hero. And I wasn't trying to be. All I wanted to do was prove that I was a good father. I shouldn't be getting a medal just for that."

"You are a hero, Dad," Jon told his father as they and Chewie worked on the Falcon one day. Ever since returning to the base, Han had gotten Jon more involved in making repairs to the Falcon. This gave them great time to bond. And the way Han saw it, Jon was only getting older, so  it was time the boy started assuming more responsibility over the Falcon. After all, Han intended to pass the ship down to Jon when he was an adult.

"You're my hero, Dad," said Jon. "You always have been, and you always will be." Han was touched by this statement.

"Well, you know the old saying, Jon," said Han. "A dad is a son's first hero." What Jon didn't know was that as Han said these words, he silently lamented never getting to see his own father  in that way. "And I know that I'm your hero. But let me tell you something. You're my hero, too."

"How can I be a  hero?" asked Jon. "I'm just a kid."

"Anyone can be a hero, Jon," said Han."No matter how young or old they are. Wanna know how you're my hero?"

"How?" asked Jon.

"From the moment I held you in my arms for the very first time, I have loved you," said Han. "I swore that I would never let anything harm you. Ten years ago, I was just a dumb nineteen-year-old  kid with no hope for the future. But then you came into my life. I admit that I was terrified of becoming a father. However, I knew that I had to change for you. And even now, everyday, you make me want to be not only a better father, but a better person. Your love for me is unconditional, as is my love for you. That's why you're my hero, Jon. Tell you what. If it'll make you happy, then I guess I can accept that medal." Jon grinned at this. He ran off to tell Leia the good news. She was overjoyed to hear it.

The Jon Solo Chronicles Book 1: A New HopeWhere stories live. Discover now