Chapter 8: The Battle of Yavin

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"Hey, 3-PO, where's R2?" Jon asked when he saw the protocol droid.

"He's flying with master Luke," said 3-PO. "Oh, dear. I do hope both of them will be alright."

"Me too," said Jon. "I bet you're wondering why I'm still here, right? Well, I don't really wanna talk about it."

"There you are, Your Highness," Commander Willard said as he came up to Leia and Jon. General Dodonna followed closely behind him. "Oh, and hello, Jon. What's he doing here?" the commander asked through gritted teeth. "Where's his father?"

"I said I don't wanna talk about it!" Jon shouted. "Sorry," he quickly added, in a sheepish tone. "I don't know what came over me." And he really didn't. Jon usually wasn't this quick to anger. Well, not like Han was, anyway.

"Captain Solo had some business to take care of," said Leia. "And he told Jon to stay here."

"His father abandoned him?!" asked Commander Willard. "Dammit! This is a military base, not an orphanage! Does he have any other family living on nearby planet we can send him to?"

"No, he doesn't," said Leia. "Jon's mother died when was born. Han mentioned maternal grandparents, but by now, they're probably dead."

"What about paternal grandparents?" asked Commander Willard. "Captain Solo's own parents. Would they be able to take Jon?"

"Dad never knew his parents," said Jon. "And I think they're dead, too. Also, why does everyone think my dad abandoned me? He told me he wouldn't."

"Alright, Jon," said Commander Willard. "You can stay, as long as you behave yourself. Do you understand?"

"Yes, sir," said Jon.

"Good lad," said Commander Willard.He turned and began looking over a map.

"You'll have to excuse Commander Willard," said General Dodonna. "Ever since we got word of Alderaan's destruction, he's been a bit on edge."

"So, he doesn't hate me?" asked Jon.

"Oh, not at all, dear boy," General Dondonna replied. "Willard's always had a fondness for children."  Jon and General Dodona went over to join Leia and 3-PO at a map station.

"Standby alert," said a voice over the intercom. "Death Star approaching. Estimated time to firing range, fifteen minutes."

"Fifteen minutes?!" Jon repeated. "That's not a lot of time." He started to wonder if maybe his father had been right. What if attacking the Death Star really was just a lost cause? But it was still worth fighting for, wasn't it? Yes, it was. It had to be.

"All wings report in," said a man's voice. He was one of the pilots, and Jon guessed that he was doing some sort of roll call with all the other pilots.

The Jon Solo Chronicles Book 1: A New HopeWhere stories live. Discover now