Chapter 7: Yavin IV

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Jon had no idea how long he had been asleep for when he suddenly opened his eyes. He sat up in bed. Jon remembered that he was still wearing the clothes he'd had on since before the Falcon had left Tattooine. If they were to be arriving at the Rebel base soon, he figured it might be best to change clothes.After making up his bed, went to his closet and picked out a grey shirt and a pair of the pants that resembled his father's.

After getting dressed, Jon made his way to the 'fresher. The Falcon had two 'freshers. Jon and Han shared one, while Chewie had the other one all to himself. Jon used the toilet, brushed his teeth and hair and washed his face. When that was done, he got himself a quick bite of breakfast, then he heard Luke calling for him.

"Jon, get up here!" Jon rushed into the cockpit.  Luke, Leia, Han, Chewie and the droids were already there.

"What is it, Luke?" asked Jon.

"We're coming up on Yavin IV," said Luke. "According to Leia, this is where the Rebel base is."

"Yavin IV is really weird name for a planet," said Jon.

"This isn't a planet," said Leia. "It's the fourth moon of the planet Yavin. The actual planet is a gas giant that cannot support human life."

"Oh," said Jon. "I take it back, then. The name makes perfect sense." The Falcon broke through the cloud cover of Yavin IV's atmosphere. The moon's surface slowly came into view. There were trees for as far as the eye could see. As the ship flew further, Jon could make out the outlines of several large stone structures off in the distance.

"What are those?" asked Jon, pointing at them.

"Thousands of years ago, this moon was inhabited by a tribe of people known as the Massassi," Leia informed him. "Their civilization died out long before any of us were even born. But the temples and pyramids they built are still standing today. Hard to believe, isn't it?"

"That's really cool!" Jon exclaimed. "Dad, Chewie, isn't it cool?"

"It sure is, son," said Han. He kept his eyes straight ahead, but he couldn't suppress a tiny smile from playing across his lips. Jon's enthusiasm could be really contagious.

"What do you think, Luke?" asked Jon.

"Trees," Luke said, in a trance-like voice. "Lots and lots of trees."

"Oh, that's right," said Jon. "You're from Tattooine. You've probably never seen a tree before in your life."

"Not real trees, no," said Luke. "And I never thought I'd get the chance. But when I was really little, Aunt Beru would read me storybooks that had holos of trees in them. And look at how many trees there are! I had no idea it was even possible for this many trees to exist in one place."

Luke had been through so much since Jon had met him. After all the bad stuff that had happened to Luke, Jon was happy to see him smiling. The boy turned his attention from Luke when he noticed a bright light coming from outside the Falcon.

The Jon Solo Chronicles Book 1: A New HopeWhere stories live. Discover now