Popular Girl & the Gang Leader=Love? CHAPTER 3

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here's chapter 3

I've written a lot of this story already, but i just haven't had time to type it on the computer.

before i post anymore chapters i would like a couple more votes!


When I got to school I was surrounded by people's voices coming at me from all directions.

"Hey Tori!"

"Tori, you're hot!"

"How was your weekend, Tori?"

"Tori, we need to go over the plans for Homecoming!"

I held my head high, keeping my chin up, and I just waved to people as I walked by them. Usually I'm all for this kind of stuff, like talking to people and having them flirt and all, but I only wanted to see two people today.

My best friend and my boyfriend.

Being popular isn't that great. I mean, sure everyone knows you and some people even look up to you and be you. But at times it can be annoying. I'm defiantly not one of "those popular girls", like the ones in the movie, Mean Girl. Well I do have great taste in clothes, but I'm not snobby.

I'm actually nice to everyone, so I don't have any enemies. Or any people that hate me.

"Looking for your loser friend?" I heard a voice say.

I whipped around and saw Kelly leaning against the locker next to mine.

Scratch that last part out. I actually meant: I don't have any enemies. Or any people that I like that hate me.

Kelly is a stuck up chick. She thinks she owns the school by bossing other people around. Secretly-well I doubt it's a secret- everyone hates her. And I mean hate! I don't think i've ever heard so much gossip about one person. Every week there's a new rumor going around that she's either been seen doing drugs or hooking up with a new guy.

If it were me that the rumors were about, I'd have been in a mental institution by the third day.

"She's not a loser," I said.

"Sure looks like it." She nodded her head behind me and I looked.

I saw my best friend, Maddie, walking down the hall.

She's a short girl so people usually think she's younger than she really is. The freckles that spread across her face and her curly red hair always remind me of a porcelain doll. She's not exactly popular but she's definitely not a loser either.

All of a sudden somebody stuck out their foot and she fell onto the hard cold floor, dropping her books. I looked up and saw that the person who had tripped her was a boy in my Spanish class, and he was high fiving his friends and they were all laughing.

"Loser with a capital L," sneered Kelly.

I gave her a death glare and ran to help Maddie. But by the time I got to her she'd already picked up her books.

"You okay?" I asked her.

She just looked down and said nothing.

"Maddie? Come on. Please talk to me."

She peeked at me behind her bangs and I smiled.

"You okay?" I said again.

"Yea but I hate then. They just think they can do whatever what they want just cause people aren't like them."

"Who's they?"

"The popular kids."

"But i'm not..."

POPULAR GIRL & THE GANG LEADER=LOVE?Where stories live. Discover now