Popular Girl & the Gang Leader=Love? CHAPTER 5 PART 1

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The boy from my dream.

His hair looked exactly the same. Dark brown, but so dark, it could be considered black. And those eyes...I've never seen those types of eyes before. They were ocean blue combined with a touch of green. Only word could describe these eyes: beautiful.

But this time he wasn't smiling. Instead he was starting at me with no expression on his face. It looked like he'd been frozen in time.

"Get lost!"yelled greasy.

For the first time, I heard dream boy speak. If I were to say that it didn't amaze me then I would be too modest. "You're on our territory."

"We were looking for a play thing," spoke perfume boy for the first time in a while.

"Do that on your side."

I was completely lost. I had no idea why they were talking about sides and territories, but I didn't have the courage to speak up. So instead I sat there with wide eyes as I watched the scene unravel before me.

"There are no," perfume boy's eyes flicked to me, "good ones. You know what? We'll make you a deal. We'll share her if you put this whole thing behind us."

"I'm not letting you take her."

"Getting a little greedy, are we? Well how about-"

"I'm not making any deals. I just want you to get off our turf."

"That won't be happening anytime soon."

In the time it took me to blink, dream boy had moved and punched perfume boy square in the jaw.

"I suggest you leave now or else your future won't be very pretty."

Despite the fact his face was red and on the verge of turning blue, perfume boy grinned.

"Now, now. Let's talk about this like normal people. You know Fernando won't be too happy about this."

Fernando? Who's that?

"Normal?" retorted dream boy. "Is that people call themselves these days?"

He shrugged his shoulders. "Eh, who knows? But I do know that you and me- we're not even close to it. Little Laura, she really changed you." He shook his head as if something had upset him. "What a shame."

Laura? Was that his girlfriend?

"Don't talk about her! You leave her out of this."I could hear the silent threat as he spoke those words. Nevertheless, perfume boy shrugged it off and approached him.

"She's never coming back."

"I said-"

"I wonder what she would say if she saw you and how wonderful your life is." He looked up. "What do you think she'd say?"

"Go to hell!"

Perfume boy opened his arms as wide as he could. "I'm already there." He pulled his arms back to his chest, but not before pointing his index finger at dream boy. "And so are you."

"Just leave. Oh, and tell Fernando I'll be waiting for him," dream boy said calmly.

As quickly as he opened his mouth to throw an insult, perfume boy close his mouth. What happened? First he was being all macho and now he's stopped?

I saw his eyes roaming behind me and curiosity got the best of me.

Rounding the corner into the alley were five guys marching to stand behind dream boy. All of them had layers of muscle on them and sported a red bandana on their heads. Just looking at these guys could give anyone nightmares.

Greasy and perfume boy started walking backwards so they wouldn't have to turn their backs on all six boys who were just waiting eagerly to pounce on them. When they were completely out of the alley, the two boys sprinted off.

"Follow them," dream boy ordered the bulky boys, and they ran after them.

He gradually walked up to me so as not to frighten me, and stopped when he was directly in front of me. I was leaning my body against the wall, pushing further into it to try to put as much space in between us as I could. Be it stupidity or just simply not caring, he ignored my actions and lowered his body to my level.

"Please," I whispered, "just leave me alone."

While extending his arm out to me, he said, "I won't hurt you." He spoke with such kindness and ease that for one second I almost believed him. Key word: almost.

"That's what they said too."

"You have to believe me, I'm not like them."

Peeking through the corner of my eyes I took a chance and gave him a quick look. The first thing I saw was those eyes. Somehow, those eyes seemed as though they looked right inside me. As if they knew my secrets, my passions, and everything I was. They had a look of understanding. Right there and then I realized that I loved those eyes.

"Are you okay?"

I gave him a what-the hell-do-you-think look. I mean come on, does it look like I'm okay?

He nodded. "Right, sorry."

The few minutes of silence that followed gave me time to think about the situation I was in.

Was Maddie worrying about me?

Had she even noticed I was gone, or was she too absorbed with Eric?

What would she say when she saw the condition I was in?

Well the most important question I should be asking was: Was I going to get out of here?

"Did they hurt you?"

I gave a little nod.

He pushed the hair that was covering my face behind my ears and brushed his hand on my cheek where greasy had slapped me.

"You're bleeding," he said softly.

"It's not mine."

"Not yours?"

I shook my head. "I kicked one of them with my heel and then he started to bleed. He slapped me with the hand he used to stop the blood with."

"And the other one?"

"Other one?"

"Yeah. The one you kicked was Chris. The other one was Michael and he was on the ground. You must've done something to him cause I know he wasn't on the ground for the sake of his health."

"Oh. I sprayed him in the eye." He raised an eyebrow, signaling me to finish my sentence. "With my perfume."

"Perfume?" he laughed. "Most girls carry around pepper spray but not you. Nope, you carry around perfume." He laughed again and I almost melted. His laugh was something between beautiful and entrancing.

"What are you doing out here anyways?" he asked.

"I was at that restaurant." I jerked my thumb behind me. "And I was looking for the bathroom but when I opened the door I ended up here."

"Oh, well can you get back in?"

"If I could you wouldn't have had to 'save me.'"I made quotes with my fingers.

He mumbled something to himself that I didn't hear.


"Nothing. Do you know how to get back?"

"I think so."

"It was a yes or no question."

"I think so," I repeated.


"I said, and I quote, "I think so."

"Well I said, and I quote, "It was a yes or no question."

I glared at him. How dare he mock me? And especially at a time like this. Who the hell does he think he is?

"Just answer yes or no."

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