Popular Girl & the Gang Leader=Love? CHAPTER 14 PART 1

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What you are about to read will be VERY confusing, but that's because I'm fast forwarding through the night, and then in the second part of chapter 14 I'm going to go back and make it like a flashback.

I'm sorry if it confuses you all really badly and you hate me for it, but this is how I wanted it to be written.


I lay in bed that night, trying to rid my mind of him.

The dream, the one that I'd had about him a while ago was long forgotten. And that night where we first saw each other. Oh how I had cherished that memory so much. He had touched me and held me in a way I thought could only be true in fantasies. His lips had whispered words to me that made me feel as if I could take on the world. I was only a stranger in his eyes, but I knew I wasn't the only one who wanted to be more than that.


Stop thinking about him, Tori!

Okay, okay. I'm stopping. No more thinking about Zach. No more thinking about what happened tonight, and how he had saved me from Ryan. No more thinking about that kiss.

Those lips. Oh, those perfect red lips knew just how to kiss me so that I would feel as if I were walking on the clouds. When they pressed against mine-

You're doing it again.

That's it! I'm stopping now.

I turned onto my right side and pulled the covers up to my chin as I closed my eyes. I tried to go to sleep, but I couldn't. My mind was thinking about all the events that happened tonight.

"Stop it! STOP IT!" I used my palm to slap my forehead. "Stop thinking about him."

I took a couple deep breaths to calm myself down.

Why am I acting like this? I am such an idiot! God is this what obsessive girlfriends act like?


That's not good. I'm not going to be like all those girls. No way in hell!

"No, no, no," I whispered to myself. "Stop it now! Please don't do this to me."

I shifted my body so that I was lying on my back once again.

I heard a light tap. My head whipped to the side, but I didn't see anything. I was assuming it was coming from outside, but what?

Could it be? No, it couldn't, could it?

No it couldn't possibly be Zach. What would he be doing here anyways, apologizing? Ha! Apologizing for what, his past?


There it is again.

I peeled off the covers and walked to the door that led to a balcony outside my room. It was like Romeo and Juliet, but of course I'd never get that lucky with finding my prince.

I moved the curtain a little and peered outside. There was nothing but darkness staring back at me. It was a nice night filled with clouds covering the moon

once in a while, making the night seem even scarier.


A bird coming out of nowhere flew across my view and swopped down to the bushes. It continued flying around my backyard, and then flew up. While it was swopping down again, there was a second where it flew in front of the moon. Its big black wings were spread out on either side. The feathers were neatly lined up as they curved into its side. The beak wasn't extremely long, but it wasn't short. It was perfect with its curve and sharp tip.

But the features of the raven wasn't what I was focusing on. It was the color of his feathers, the color of his beak. They were black.

The same shade that Zach's hair looks like. His hair was always messy, but it never looked bad. When boys have that messy hair look, it looks awful. You always think to yourself, "Why don't they just brush it out? It'll only take a minute." But with Zach, it's different. He looks natural with his sexy hair all over the place.

Caw caw.

I jumped a little as I saw the bird settle on the edge of my balcony. He stared straight at me, just as Zach had done in the alley. I opened the door an inch to see if it would move. Another couple inches and it was still there.

I had managed to open it enough to get my body through. When I got through, I closed the door and faced the bird. It was still watching me as I got closer.


Its wings opened and made a noise that warned me not to get any closer.

"Hi," I said. "My name's Tori, what's yours?"

He ( I decided it was a boy) turned his head sideways.

"Hmm you look like a ___________." [a/n:

I took a step but he lifted his wings up.


"Okay ,okay." I backed up with my hands in front of me. As he kept cawing at me, I backing up.

I tripped over my own feet and fell with a big crash following.

"Ow." I rubbed my arms as cuts began to form and ooze blood.

Caw caw.

I looked up in time to see (name of the bird) soaring down towards me.

"Ahh!" I ducked down as it headed for me, taking a sharp turn only inches away from my face.

My head made contact with the wall of the balcony. In no time, my head started hurting and it felt like something was dripping down my head.

I lay on the ground as my head continued pounding and my cuts bleeding.

"I can't do this anymore," I told myself. "I can't do this."

I sniffled a couple times as I felt the tears from before threatened to fall again.

I wasn't strong enough to stop the memories from tonight flood my brain, so I didn't bother stopping them. I only prepared for the pain that was about to come.

Again i apologize for all the confusion, but it will all be explained in the next part.

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