Popular Girl & the Gang Leader=Love? CHAPTER 8 PART 2

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Wearily, he said, "What?"

"I-I've been thinking about it lately and I think that, um, you need to trust me. Like, what I mean is that sometimes you don't trust me. I know you've seen movies where girls cheat on their boyfriends, and they hookup with tons of other guys. But, that's not me. And you know that." I stared him straight in the eye, trying to get him to look at me. Really look at me. And see that I'm not that type of girl who does crap like that.

"I'm sorry, baby. It's just-you know. I just can't stand not being there for you."

I nodded absentmindedly.

"Sean, I-"


"But let me explain." After his approval to continue, I spoke again. "There are times when you don't trust me, like now. And a couple weeks ago when I was talking to Jake. You've known me too long to believe that I would actually go behind your back and do something I shouldn't do. Sean, you know that."

It might seem like I'm lying about the whole scenario with Zach, but I'm not.


"I get it."

"You do?"

"Yeah. And I'm sorry for not, you know, trusting you. I just get jealous sometimes."

"Jealous?" I laughed. "There's nothing to be jealous of."

He shrugged his shoulders. "Doesn't mean I still don't get jealous."

I gave him a peck on the cheek and said, "Don't worry about it, okay? Cause there's nothing to be jealous about."

"Okay." Couple seconds later. "So who is he?"

"You're not gonna let it go, are you?"


"You're just too much for me."

"And that's why you love me." Just as quick as the smile came, it vanished from his face. "So, who is he?" He asked again.

"I don't know. He's just some guy who was walking and felt like he had to save some girl who needed help."

I tried to make it sound innocent, which wasn't that hard because it sort of it. Well up until the end had been anyways.

But of course Sean didn't believe me. He's not stupid.

"Uh-huh." Silence. And then, "So where were you, Maddie?"

Okay, yes Sean is my boyfriend, but he's getting way to detective on us.

"Who are you? Nancy Drew?" I mocked him.

He shifted his body so he could look at me. And what I saw in his eyes matched what I felt right now.


And worry.

But, I knew that my reasons were different than his.

He's afraid and worried for me because of last night. Because of what had happened.

I on the other hand, have these emotions for him because he's on the verge of crossing the line that will declare him paranoid.

"I just want to know what happened last night, Tori. I'm worried, that's all."

"I know." A deep sigh found its way out of my mouth. "Look, one of the guys slapped me. And I may have bruises from falling, but that's all."

"And what about that guy?" He said, still not convinced.

"He helped me. That's all," I exasperated.

"Do you know anything about him?"

"Well...he's in a gang."

"A-a gang."He choked out the words. I saw him swallow once. Twice. Three times

I calmly said, "Yes."

"Did-did he say which one?"

"The Bloods."

He nodded firmly.

"Why? Why does it matter?"

The shrug of his shoulders wasn't enough to convince me that the wheels in his head weren't spinning. I eyed him but didn't tell him that I was suspicious.

"Sean, can we just stop talking about this. Just put it past us." I pleaded.

"But-"he protested.

"But what?"

"Nothing, Tori. Nothing."

I laced my fingers through his and looked deep into his dark chocolate eyes.

"Sean, I've told you at least a million times. But, I'm going to say it again. Nothing really bad happened. I'm okay and I'm here right now. That's all that matters."

He scoffed. "Nothing really bad."

"Yeah. I just got-"

"Slapped and fell and got bruises. Yeah, I get it."

I admit that I was getting a little irritated. If he understood the situation I had been in, then why was he asking me all these questions?

"Then why won't you let it go?" What the hell is his problem? I'm so confused. Why won't he just drop the whole incident?

"Because I feel responsible," he finally said. "I feel like it's all my fault."

"Your fault?" I exclaimed in disbelief.


"But you-you weren't even there! You couldn't have known."

"That's true, but it doesn't change how I feel."

"Well you better change how you feel because none of it is your fault. I don't want to talk about this anymore, okay?"

He gave a little hesitation, but then finally said, "Okay."


I changed the subject by asking him how football was going. Maddie joined in our conversation, but didn't say much. When there were only five minutes left until lunch was over, Sean snapped his fingers a couple times. Finally! I see life in him again.

"You wanna go to the Monkey Club with me? I promise I'll make you forget everything, baby." He waggled his eyebrows.

I laughed. "Tonight?"

"Hell yeah! Everyone's going."

I looked away from his too cute pouting face and thought about it. Why shouldn't I? I deserve it, especially after what happened yesterday.

I shrugged my shoulders. "Okay, I'll go."

"Yes!" He clapped his hands together and then turned in Maddie's direction.

"How about you, Maddie?"

I looked at her, silently begging her with my eyes to say yes.

"Fine, but I'm not dancing."

Sean spoke before I could form a coherent thought. "That's okay with me." He got up from the table and exited the cafeteria.

"Thanks," I told her.

"Yeah, yeah." She waved her hand around.

© 2010 theamazingspiderman



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