New girl.

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Riley's POV.

It was a normal day. Waking up at 5 in the morning to go to a class that tells you how much of a pathetic abomination you are. Some girls didn't pay attention to what they were teaching us. Some were too busy thinking about the sex they had the night before to even listen.

But, there was a handful of girls who have been hearing this so much, they eventually started believing it. I was one of those girls.

Ive never got with any girls, never flirted, and definitely never had any sexual contact.

I was angry with the world, I was angry with my "parents". I couldn't even call them my parents. They don't deserve to be "parents". I hated everyone in this place. If someone tried to say a WORD to me, I'd beat the shit out of them. No one dares say a word to me. Except my only friend, Alexa. I've never had a girlfriend. I've had one boyfriend before, but I was just experimenting and it was awful. I broke up with him and found out 2 days later he was gay. As well as mine, his parents didn't accept him either. He's in here with me. All the people here are idiots. They don't want girls and girls together and boys and boys together, yet they put girls and boys in separate cabins.

There's no adults in the cabins at night, so it's like a farm when it's time to sleep. Girls are fighting each other to get space to have sex on the floors. I usually just hide under my blanket and cover my ears. It's really crazy actually, all the girls are so horny around here, they are willing to have sex in front of 30 other girls.

As the alarms of the cabins went off for first period, I uncovered my blankets, running my hair through my messy hair and yawning. The lights turned on a second later and groans were heard from all around the room. It could be from getting up at 5:00 am or because of how sore they all are in their lower area.

The only person I was willing to talk to was my only friend, Alexa. She was my friend back when I was still living with my "parents". Our friendship is a little weird though, because she told my ex boyfriend I was gay. That's how the whole school found out. She was the only one that knew and I shouldn't have trusted her. She tried to tell me it was so I could break up with him and be happier. But I'm not sure if I believed that. When the school found out, they immediately kicked me out, and of course, my parents found out. They didn't speak to me for weeks. The last thing they said to me was some petty comment about how they felt bad for my ex boyfriend. And that was it. I haven't seen them in 2 years.

Did I miss them? Absolutely not. Sure, they were great parents, but 95% of the population is homophobic. And of course, they were as well. A few months after I started living here, Alexa came here. Apparently, she was gay too, and she tried to come out to her parents, but they ended up being the same way as my parents. I should have known. I am only 15. I should've waited till I was out of the house.

I walked to my dresser, grabbing a pair of ripped blue jeans, and a white v-neck shirt. Luckily, we didn't have to wear uniforms and we were aloud to get some clothes, as long as they were under a certain price range. I walked to the showers and undressed. It was incredibly uncomfortable when I first came here. With all the girls staring at you and licking their lips. But, I've gotten used to it. I walked into the steamy hot shower and Alexa walked into the one next to me.

"Hey Riles, I heard there's a new girl coming later today." She smiled.

She always got excited when a new girl came, because that met she had a new girl to flirt with and stare at.

"Oh that's nice, what's her name?" I asked.

"Maya I think."

I nodded and walked out of the showers, grabbing a towel and wrapping it around me.

Just as I was walking to the cabins, I saw a pair of striking icy blue eyes. I turned around to see a blonde tiny girl, and pale skin.

She was decent, to say the least. Okay, she was fucking gorgeous. Her blue eyes matched her pale skin and her blonde hair flowed perfectly.

The icy eyes looked my way. Shit. I was busted. I spun my head around and decided to take a look back. Every. Single. Girl. Was. Crowding. Her. But she was still looking my way.

I spun my head around again and continued to walk to my cabin. I grabbed my white bra and threw it on. Then my shirt. Then my jeans. I put on a pair of black flip flops and grabbed my book.

I looked to my right to see Alexa staring at me with wide eyes. I jumped as she ran and jumped onto my bed and stared into my eyes.

"Yes?" I asked, sounding annoyed.

"Did you see the new girl? Holy shit she's hot." She grinned.

I sighed knowing she was going to be the center of attention.

"She's gets to stay in your cabin! Your lucky as fuck." She smiled and got up from my bed and walked out.

Just as I was about to get up. I saw the familiar pair of icy blue eyes. I turned around and saw her leaning on the door that leads to the showers staring at me with a evil smirk on her face.

She walked over to me slowly and stood right in front of me.

Holy shit was too weak of a way to describe my thoughts. How about HOLY FUCKING HELL?

She was absolutely stunning.

She was wearing a black t-shirt and blue skinny jeans with white converse.

She had 5 thick books in one hand, and a blanket, tooth paste tooth brush and hair brush, in the other.

"So dork where do I sleep?" She asked staring into my eyes.

My voice caught in my throat.

"Uh Y-you c-can sleep u-up there." I said, pointing to the bed above mine, since we slept in bunk beds.

She laughed and didn't bother looking in the direction I was pointing.

"Okay pretty girl."

I cleared my throat and looked down, my face heating up.

She giggled and climbed up the small ladder to her top bunk, making her bed and putting her stuff in the top drawer next to the top bed.

I watched amused as she went to climb down the ladder, but slipping and dropping her thick book.

I went to pick it up but she jumped down, bending down and grabbing it. Damn, she had a cute butt.

I couldn't help but smile and stare at it. She slowly stood back up turning around to face me.

"Wow so you stare at girls butts too huh?" She smiled and my eyes went wide and my face went more red than a tomato.

The loud piercing bell went off and I started to walk past her and she easily caught up to me, "accidentally" slightly sliding her fingertips across my butt.

"So what class do you have?" She asked.

"History." I say.

"Me too." She smirks.

This was gonna be a long day.

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