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4:48am i made my way down the hallway, rubbing my tired eyes as i entered the kitchen, flicking the light on. I had been awake since 3:30 and decided there was no point in lying there anymore if i wasn't getting to sleep anyway, so i got up. My mind would not let me sleep, non stop thoughts keeping me awake. I ran my hand through my messy curly, taking a sip from the hot cup of coffee. I let out a sigh, shaking my head. I was confused, when i first woke up, to find myself in the bed instead of the couch with him beside me. But then i faintly remembered how i got there, and then i couldn't get back to sleep because my mind began to run.

"Chels, what are you doing up? Its 5am" Liam mumbled, making his way out into the kitchen. "I couldn't sleep" I shrugged, a small smile on the face, "What are you doing up?". "I have to go pick up Louis" He half smiled, collapsing back on the couch. "I thought Louis wasn't coming till the European tour?" I looked at him confused, leaning forward on the counter. "He decided to come earlier" Liam let out a yawn, his words turning into a mumble, a light snoring began. I let out a small chuckle, walking over to the couch. "Hey Li, why don't you go back to sleep, and i'll pick up Louis" I whispered, pulling the blanket over him.

I sighed as i made my way into the airport, pulling the hood of my jersey over my head. I walked through the mostly empty building, eyes scanning the signs, trying to find where he would be. The time was now 5:27am and Louis' plan was due to land at 5:35am. I found an empty seat beside the baggage claim. I pulled my legs up, scrolling through Instagram on my phone. I looked up as people began to walk out, grabbing their bags and making their way out of the airport. My eyes scanned, looking for a familiar face. 

"Chelsi?" I looked up from my phone, Louis looking at me confused. "Hey boo" I smiled, standing up to hug him. "What are you doing here? Where's Liam?" He asked as he squeezed me tight. "Liam is asleep on my couch. I couldn't sleep so i said i'd come and pick you up" I smiled with a small shrug, grabbing the bag off his shoulder. "What was he doing at yours?" Louis asked confused, trying to keep up with me as we made our way towards the car. "I called him and Harry last night to come over because Niall was asleep in my bed". Louis slowly shut the car door, looking at me confused, "Niall was what? How? Why?". I sighed, looking at him, "I don't know why he's here, he says it because he just wanted to see me. I don't know how he got into my house but he was there and hasn't left since".

"Okay so let me get this straight. We're going to walk in there, Liam's going to be asleep on the couch. Harry in the spear room. And Niall will be asleep in your room?" Louis asked as we stopped outside my door. I nodded, slowly turning the handle to open the door. "Should be interesting" he lightly chuckled, making his way in behind me. I smiled as Louis walked over to the couch, looking down at the sleeping Liam. "Well isn't that just precious" Louis whispered, folding his arms across his chest. "Can't have that" He yelled, jumping on top of Liam. 

Liam let out a scream as Louis landed on top of him, rolling off the couch in confusion, taking Louis with him. I let out a loud burst of laughter, covering my mouth with my hand. Harry and Niall both came running out, concerned looks on their faces. "Morning boys" Louis cheered as he stood up, pulling Liam up with him. "What are you all doing here?" Niall asked, his voice groggy. "I live here" I shrugged, pushing myself up onto the counter, my back to the boys. "Liam and I popped over last night" Liam said. "I decided to join the tour a little bit earlier" Louis made his way over to stand beside me, placing his hand on top of mine, giving it a little bit of a squeeze.

"So Niall, what are you doing here?" Louis asked, still standing beside me. Niall, Liam and Harry sat on the couches, Niall's back to us. "I, uh, just wanted to stop by. See how everyone was doing" he shrugged, leaning back on the couch. "bullshit" I whispered, shaking my head. "So why did you come here, to Chelsi's?" Louis asked, looking at him confused. "Because she told me too" He said. I turned around to look at him, a look of confusion on my face "I what?". "The other night, when you came home drunk to find me here, it's because you told me to come here" He turned around on the couch to face me. 

"What the hell are you on about Niall?" I pushed myself off the counter, folding my arms across my chest as i walked closer to him. "We bumped into each other in one of the clubs. You yelled at me at first, and then you started crying. You pulled me onto the roof, and we uh...." he paused, looking at the boys. "We talked. And then you told me you wanted to talk later, so you told me where your spare key was and sent me here" he shrugged. He slowly stood up, looking at the boys as he made his way over to me, stopping only a few steps away, shoving his hands in his pockets, "You told me you still loved me".

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