-Thirty Eight-

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*Louis' P.O.V*

"Dude, your getting married today" Zayn smiled, patting me on the back. "I can't believe it. One of us actually managed to get tied down" Harry smirked, shaking his head. I let out a small chuckle, shaking my head. "Honestly, out of all of us, i didn't think it would've been me first" I shrugged, shoving my hands in my pockets. "You've only got a couple hours left a single man" Liam smiled, holding out a beer for me, "how does it feel?". I took the beer, taking a sip from it, shrugging slightly. "I feel like i'm ready for it. I feel excited" I smiled, looking at the boys. "Did you invite him?" Zayn asked, half whispering. I let out a sigh, taking another swig of the beer, looking out of the hotel room window. "He was invited before everything went down and we didn't uninvited him after everything, but i doubt he'll show up" I shrugged.

"Alright, so we're gunna head to the venue, check out the decorations and stuff, make sure everything is perfect and then get dressed and then it's time" Liam smiled, "Let's go then" I smiled, making my out to the car. It was only a short ten minute drive to the venue. When we arrived we were greeted with more beer and a very panicked weeding planner. "Oh thank god you're here. We have a huge problem" Sara came rushing out, looking down at her clipboard. "How can we help?" Harry smiled, taking the clipboard from her. "The arc is not assembled, the flowers are not arranged, and the seating is not covered" She shook her head, placing one hand on her heart and one on her forehead. "Zayn and i will do the arc, Liam can do the flowers and Louis can help with the seats" Harry smiled, handing her back the clipboard. 

"Looking good boys" I smiled, walking over to Zayn and Harry, "That's one good looking arc". The boys stood back, admiring their work. "That took forever" Liam sighed, running a hand through his hair as he walked over to us. "Looks like we're done, now we just gotta get ready" He smiled, taking a swig of bear as we made our way towards the room. We all put on our suits, all in a dark navy blue. I walked over to the other boys, adjusting my sleeves. "Look at you, you fancy looking boy" Harry smirked, winking at me. "Our Louis boy is growing up" Liam chuckled, handing me my jacket. I slipped on my jacket, looking at myself in the mirror. 

"Uh, Louis. You have a visitor" Zayn looked towards the door, shoving his hands in his pockets as Niall walked in the room. "We'll wait outside" Harry half smiled, pushing the other boys out of the door. "Hey" Niall half smiled, scratching the back of his head. "Hey" I nodded, shoving my hands into my pockets. "Place looks good" He motioned, walking over to the window. "Uh yeah, the boys helped a lot" I leaned on the arm of the chair, folding my arms across my chest. We stood there in silence, not really knowing what to say. I stood up, making my way over to him, standing beside him as we both looked out the window. 

"I wanted to apologize, for the other night" he whispered, looking at me. "It was a dick of me, i didn't mean to bring it up that way" he continued, turning his body to face me. "I was drunk and angry". I let out a sigh, looking at him. "It's fine. You didn't mean it anyway so,..." "Oh no, i meant it" He interrupted, looking me dead in the eye. "What?" I turned to face him, anger slowly filling my body. "I meant every word. I don't think you two should be together, and i do want her back. It was the biggest mistake of my life giving her up and if i could i'd have her back". I walked to the other side of the room shaking my head.

"You fucking come to me, on the day of my fucking wedding and tell me that you don't want me to worry the women i love because you want her back and you don't think we should be together? You actually have the fucking nerve you asswhole" I yelled, turning on the heel to face him. "You know, she'll always compare you to me. That's how it always be. Because i was her first love" He smirked, folding his arms over his chest. "Why the fuck are you being such an asswhole?" I yelled once more, clenching my fists. "I don't know" he yelled, running his hand through his hair. "I'm angry and im jealous and i see you two together and it makes me mad and makes me do crazy things and i just can't take not having her in my life anymore man. I need her" He looked at me, desperation filled his eyes. 

"So what do you want me to do about it huh? YOU gave her up. YOU left her. YOU chose someone else over her. Don't fuck up my happiness and my life because YOU fucked up" My voice was so loud and so filled with anger, it caused the boys to walk it, all looking concerned and confused. "What the hell is going one?" Zayn asked, looking at us both confused. "I'm fucking done with you" I yelled, pointing at Niall. I made my way out of the room, slamming the door behind me. I made my way across the grounds, walking into the forest that surrounded the area. I walked and walked, making my way through the trees, mumbling and cursing to myself as i tried to calm myself. Half and hour passed by and i began to realize that i was lost. I patted down my pockets, cursing to myself as i realized i hadn't grabbed my phone when i left. "She's gunna think i've left her" I mumbled, shaking my head, trying to find my way back. "Maybe that was Niall's plan all along. That mother fucker has ruined the happiest day of my life". 

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