-Twenty Four-

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"They're home." Zayn walked into the office, looking out the window behind me. The two cars making their way down the driveway towards the house. "Go upstairs" I half whispered, leaning back in the chair. "Chels" Louis looked at me confused, stepping closer. "Go. I'll be fine." I smiled, "Find weapons. Something just in case" I shrugged slightly. Niall and Zayn nodded, making their way upstairs. Louis walked over, planting a kiss on the top of my head, "Please be safe" He whispered, following the boys upstairs. I let out a sigh, spinning the chair around, leaning my elbows on the desk. I listened as the cars came to a stop outside, the sound of the footsteps on the gravel, making their way towards the house. I heard the voices talking, the door opening. And silence.

I looked over at the open drawer, the gun sitting inside. I lent back in the chair, biting my nail as the footsteps made their way down the hall, the voices getting louder, the words becoming clear. "Your dumb ass didn't think to lock the fucking door" Chad was angry, clearly, with one of his side men, probably T-Bird. "Chad, don't yell. Please" That voice was unfamiliar, Her voice. Whoever she was, she sounded kind. Why would someone so kind want someone kidnapped for them. "You know this isn't how we wanted it to happen. We didn't ask you to kidnap her, we just wanted you to bring her to us. Safely" He sounded old. Tired. My heart began to beat fast as the footsteps got closer the door, the silhouette of a man on the door. I looked down at the gun once more, placing my hand on the drawer.

"Oh, Hello" I looked up, the sliding doors open, the man standing with his hands still on the handles. "Hello" I whispered, standing up. "You came back" He half smiled, closing the doors behind him. "I wanted some answers." I shrugged slightly, my hand still resting on the drawer. "Then ask away" He smiled, moving to sit in one of the seats in front of the desk. "Who are you" I sat down, folding my arms across my chest. "My name is Frank" He smiled, leaning back in the chair. "And she is?" I motioned to other side of the doors. "She is my wife, Louisa" He smiled once more, placing his hands together. "No last name?" I asked. "Condar. She is, however, a Beckham" He nodded, looking at me intently. "So what? That makes her my what?" I asked, placing my hand back on the drawer. "You are our granddaughter" He placed his hands back on the arms of the chair. 

I sat there staring at the desk, shaking my head. "So why have me kidnapped? Why not just come find me?" I asked, leaning forward on the chair slightly. "Well the plan wasn't for you to get kidnapped my dear, only for you to brought to us. Nicely. Chad on the other hand decided otherwise" He shrugged, shaking his head. "Yeah, well, Chad's a fucking idiot" I mumbled, rolling my eyes. He let out a deep chuckle, running his hand across his grey stubble. "Yes, well that is true. And we couldn't just come and find you. I can't leave this place" He motioned around him. "Why? Are you like a mob boss or something? Are you the godfather?" I chuckled, rolling my eyes, leaning back in the chair once more. He stayed silent, looking at me, a serious look on his face. 

"Your a fucking mob boss?" I half yelled, shaking my head. "Please don't yell. It's the Condar family business." He looked at me, placing his hands together once more. "I think i have the right to yell. I have been kidnapped, knocked out, beat up, flown to a different place and now i find out that my grandparents are mobsters. You have files on me and all my friends, you have a fucking gun" I stood up, running my hand through my hair. "So where's your mob? Your boys?" I asked, my voice quieter, but just as angry. "Everywhere. There are houses planted all over the property. They were watching when you entered the house. I know about your friends upstairs" He pointed up, looking up slightly. 

"Why now? Why did you find me now?" I asked, leaning on the desk in front of me. "All will be explained in time" Was all he said, ending it with a simple shrug. I opened my mouth to speak, but shut it quickly as a the sound of a gunshot filled the house. I opened the doors, looking around the room. "Where did that come from?" I asked, looking at Chad, both him and Louisa pointing upstairs. I ran past them, running up the stairs, two at a time. A man in a black suit stood at the top of the stairs, gun in hand, pointing down the end of the hall. "What the fuck" I yelled, running to the boys, who had all crowded around the end hallway door. "No no no" I cried, shaking my head as i dropped to my knees. "Someone call 911" I yelled, placing my hands over the wound, trying to stop the bleeding, the tears falling from my eyes, "Please don't leave me now".

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