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  I awoke to the sound of an alarm, opening my eyes I am faced to a peacefully sleeping Jacob. We must have fallen asleep together. His arms were wrapped around my waist and our legs were entwined. I was surprised at how warm Jake was, especially without the blanket on. Did we sleep with it off the whole night? I carefully unwrapped myself away from him and snuck out of the room and downstairs.

Charlie was stood on a chair waving a rag back and forth at the smoke alarm.

"morning!" I shouted. The alarm stopped.

"morning Be-Abs" he corrected himself mid sentence. It kinda hurt that people we always almost calling me Bella. Not only because it reminded me of her but because it made me feel as if i'm just a watered down version of her, But I dealt with it.

He climbed down off the chair and placed it back where it belongs.

"I made breakfast..." he said, holding up a pan of burnt pancakes.

I smiled awkwardly "No thanks..." He looked down at his poorly made meal and sighed before tossing them in the trash.

"Well I better get going" he said, I nodded.

  Once he was gone I got some cereal and sat on the lounge and began flicking through the tv channels. The sudden sound of heavy footsteps caught my attention, turning around I smiled as I watched Jacob sluggishly stumbled his way downstairs. 

"Morning!" I said, a mouthful of corn flakes.

"That's attractive," he chuckled.

"I don't get any sexier than this baby," I said with a wink.

He took a seat beside me and rubbed his eyes sleepily.

  "How'd you sleep," he asked, eating the cornflakes he had in his mouth.

"Good, you?" I asked.

"Yeah good," he smiled.

Once we were finished I walked upstairs and went for a quick shower before getting dressed into some skinny jeans, tank top and my white converse. 

  My phone buzzed on my bedside table, grabbing my attention. I picked it up and found it was a message from Edward.

From Edward: Be ready in ten, I'm treating you to breakfast.

To Edward: I already ate, thanks though.

From Edward: Sorry, I'm coming to get you whether you like it or not.

I sighed and rolled my eyes, putting my phone in my pocket I head back down to Jacob.

  "Hey, I better get going," Jake said.

"Okay, talk to you later," I said as he hugged me.

Letting go he nodded and walked out. Watching Jake zoom down the road, just after he left Edwards car drove up the road and parked in front of my house.

  He got out of the car and opened the passenger side door, motioning for me to hop in. I shook my head. I couldn't help but be suspicious. Why is he all of the sudden hanging out with me. When he found out Bella left he didn't speak to me for weeks, months even.

"Get in" he said, I once again shook my head. "Abby, don't be difficult" he said.

"I'm not being difficult Edward, I just don't wanna go anywhere with you" I answered honestly. Okay I lied, I wanted so badly to go with him. All night I couldn't stop thinking about our kiss and how it felt. But I also felt guilty, I felt like i was betraying Bella somehow.

Suddenly I felt a wave of rage wash over me. Why should I feel guilty? Bella's the one who left me and Edward and Everyone! 

  "Don't feel guilty," I heard him say. I frowned and looked at him, at that point I remember he can read my thoughts.

"Don't go through my head," I grumbled.

"I just want to hang out with you, that's all. I know you're hurting and I want to be a good friend," he said. 

  "Well you could've been a good friend three months ago" I mumbled.

"You were blocking people out Abby" he said.

It was true, I was blocking everyone out. I would go meet Athena every Friday after school at the diner but she stopped showing up. There was no warning at all just BAM gone... like smoke in the wind.

"Do you know what happened to Athena?" I asked.

"No," was all he said.

I looked down and nodded before slowly making my way into the car.

Once in, Edward zoomed around the car and hopped into the front seat. I still had my arms crossed, still pissed off at Edward.

"Don't be angry," he said.

"I'm not," I grumbled.

"I can tell you are," he smiled slightly.

"Just shut up and drive." I said, "where are you taking me anyway?"

"To breakfast, I told you," he said.

"but I already ate, I told you," I said, mimicking his words 'I told you'

A small smirk tugged at the corner of his lips. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms over my chest.

I watched out the window, looking at the forest that was just a couple feet away. Memories of Athena and I flashed through my mind, where was she? Was she okay? I don't know.

"Don't worry, I'm sure she'll be okay," Edward said.

"Seriously? In my head again?" I glared at him.

"Sorry, sorry!" He held his hands up letting go of the steering wheel.

"Hands on the wheel!" I yelled at him.

I suddenly felt myself becoming dizzy, Images of Bella flashed through my mind.

I looked up to see Bella standing in the middle of the road "Edward Stop!" I shouted. He slammed down on the breaks causing us to jolt. I unplugged my seat belt and ran after bella who was now in the forest.

"Abby?!" I heard Edwards voice in the background.

I ignored it and kept running after my sister. I hadn't realized how fast i was going until now. It was like I had just out of no where got this massive adrenaline rush. I had almost caught her when I felt myself falling.

   I looked down, no longer was there the hard forest floor there was nothing. My mouth frozen shut as I tried screaming out. My eyes widened as I crashed into the ocean, pain radiated from my legs not sure if I had broken something. I began kicking my legs, one thing on my mind and that was to reach the surface. 

When I got to the surface I took a deep breath and looked around.

"HEL-" I was cut off by a wave pushing me down again. As I frantically tried to swim up again I hit my head and felt myself slipping out of consciousness.


Random little note, I Have been watching Game Of Thrones literally from when I wake up, to when I sleep. I'm so addicted! So if ya'll don't hear from me for awhile you know why.

Also I'm gonna try and update a lot more! Isn't that exciting?! 

*crowd cheers*

Woooooo !

Anyways Bai for now!


Love you all xxx

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