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"P-plea-" The woman screamed as I bit into her neck, the rest of her life left her body. I sat back, wiping my mouth. I could still hear their calls, their conversations. You'd think they would've got the hint by now. I don't want to be found.

"Another dead body. She was here not long ago." Said Jacob

"I can smell fresh blood, she's still here." Said Edward

"Well let's go" said Bella.

I stopped listening and stood up. I sped ran away, out of the town and into the woods, making sure to weaken my scent so it'd be harder for them to track me.


~3 days ago~

I sat on the floor, Abby in my arms. Her quiet sobs filled my ears, breaking my heart. It hurt to see her this way. I could sense Bella and Edward behind me. Turning my head to look at them, they stare back. Their eyes full of guilt. So they should be. Leaving Abby like that.

I felt a burning hot rage inside me, but for the sake of Abby I ignored it. I squeezed her tighter as if I had protect her. Keep her out of harms way. My life slowly flashed before my eyes, I saw mountains, I was running alongside Abby. Kids giggled as the ran in front of us.

I slightly smiled to myself, looking down at Abby I rest my chin on her head. I found my mate. I wasn't gonna let anything happen to her.

She soon fell asleep in my arms, her quiet breath against my chest. I never wanted to let her go, I never wanted her to leave my sight.  Picking her up I placed her on her bed, covering her in blankets before turning around and facing Bella and Edward. My feelings towards Bella seemed to disappear only seeing her as a person. The only girl I had feelings for was Abby.

I walked out, closing the door behind me. No one said anything, I walked downstairs and sat on the couch, keeping my ears on full alert incase anything happened to her while she slept.


The sound of crashing woke me from my sleep, jumping to my feet I run upstairs. I looked around her room, she was gone. Bella lay on the floor with a big gash on her stomach, Edward was by her side applying pressure.

"What the hell happened?" I said.

"A-Abby, she went crazy and gave Bella quite a gash before jumping out the window," Edward said.



I continued to stalk my way through the woods, heightening my senses. The urge to kill and drink grew, it was like a pit in my stomach that needed to be filled continously. It's like all my humanity just faded away. I heard someone's laughter, their heart was beating fast. Their blood was pumping, The urge grew inside of me. I sped ran to the person, sinking my teeth into her neck before she even noticed me.

She didn't scream or struggle, she just stood their, frozen. As I sucked the life out of her, her body grew weak and limp. Eventually I let her fall to the floor. The blood trickled down my throat, relieving me of my thirst. But still, I wanted more... Needed more.

I gasped as I was tackled to the ground, familiar arms holding me down as I thrashed against him. I looked up, his dark eyes staring at mine. The feeling that washed over me was far more better than feeding. It was quickly taken over by the urge to feed. "Jacob." My voice laced with venom.

I kicked him off, sending him flying. I jump to my feet, my fangs showing themselves. He got to his feet and transformed into his wolf, his golden red fur shimmered in the sun.

The memory of when I first found out he was a werewolf played in my mind. Before I could react he pinned me down, his sharp teeth snapping at me every time I moved.

'Abby stop this!' He mind linked me.

For a moment all feelings of revenge, hate and pain disappeared.

I stared at his wolf's eyes, I haven't shifted yet so I didn't know what it felt like. It was as if my humanity was slowly rising, I felt tingles where his fur tickled  my arms, I wanted more.

I reached my hand up to pet him, I gently ran my hand over his head and behind his ears. He was so soft.

He moved away from me and walked behind a tree. He walked out a human, kneeling down beside me he looked me in the eyes.

I moved my gaze from him to the lifeless body on the ground. My eyes fill up with tears, regret and guilt crept it's way into my body. I did that. I broke my promise to the Volturi.

"I.. I.." I couldn't find the words.

"Abby," Jake said. "Abby! Look at me," he placed his hand on my chin and forced me to look at him. "You weren't you," he said. Tears fell from my eyes, I did that.

"I.. I did that, I.. I killed her. Oh god. Jake. I killed her!" It had just sunk in that I killed her.

He wrapped his arms around me, pulling me into his warm chest. Someone tried hugging me from behind, but Jake pulled me closer to prevent it.

"We should take her home." Bella said.

"That's a good idea, she needs rest." Edward added.

Jake picked me up bridal style, Pushing past Bella and Edward.

The car ride was quiet, Bella and Edward in the front, Jake and I in the back. His arms still around me, my head rest on his shoulder as he pulled me closer. I closed my eyes, listening to the sound of his heavy heartbeat. His breath tickling down the side of my face, I never wanted to leave his arms. I felt protected, safe, i soon fell into a deep sleep.


Eeeeekk one more chapter!!!

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