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All night I lay in bed unable to sleep. Millions of questions filled my mind, but they always did. I still wasn't completely sure if I was a vampire, I had all the signs but my skin, it was still hot and tanned and my heart was still beating. I could hear it. I could still sleep, I still felt the drowsiness.

The sound of my bedroom door swinging open, caught my attention. I gasped and looked up at the door Charlie stood his arms crossed with a pissed off expression. "Hi?" I frowned letting out a yawn.

"Trashing the cafeteria, really Abs?" He frowned back. Oh shoot.

"I uh..." I awkwardly rubbed the back of my neck.

"I have to pay to get their wall fixed, how did you even manage to break through that?" He asked with a sigh.

"Their walls were old, I just accidentally ran into it and it collapsed." I lied.

The expression on his face went from angry to unreadable.

"I'm sorry," I sighed.

"It's.. okay, just you have to help me pay for it," he said.

"Of course," I nodded, he walked back downstairs. I laughed slightly at myself, as much as I should be scolding myself but instead I was actually proud of myself. A smile spread across my face, the sound of Jakes bike come to a stop caught my attention. I sprinted to the window I looked out Jake stood leaned against his bike. My heart felt as if it would explode out my chest, my feelings all over the place. I sped walked downstairs and opened the door, Jakes eyes caught onto mine as I walked towards him.

"Hello," I greeted.

"We need to talk." Was all he said before picking me up and carrying me over his shoulder to his bike.

"You know I could've walked." I said as he put me down.

"I didn't know if you were gonna be difficult or not." He said, swinging his leg over his bike. I hopped on and wrap my arms around his stomach.

We pulled up outside Jacobs house. I got off the bike and glanced at Jacob "Why are we here?" I asked.

"Like I said, we need to talk." He said. I followed him inside.

Inside Billy, Bella and Edward all sat around a table.

"Hello Abby." Billy smiled.

"Billy." I nodded. What is going on?

"Abby, your probably wondering what's going on. Well I'm here to tell you." Billy paused, his eyes scanning over everyone in the room.

"Uh, I'm confused," I coughed awkwardly.

"Your strength, your mother, the bite," his eyes trailed to the bite mark on my wrist. "Abigail, I never thought that this could be true but you're a hybrid," he said, his face held a blank expression.

"A hybrid?" I laughed, "there's no such thing."

"That's what we thought, Jacob told me that when James bit you, you completely healed though you weren't a vampire. You're mother is a werewolf, the werewolf blood lingers in your blood," Billy said, the people surrounding us stood there blank, unreadable expressions on their faces.

"That explains why I'm warm and why my heart is still beating. Why I can still sleep and eat." I said.

"Do you crave blood?" Edward asked.

"Only sometimes, so far I've only craved it once." Memories from my raw meat experience flashed through my mind.

I cringed at the the thought, "we believe that you will become half vampire half human until your werewolf gene awakens," Billy said.

I buried my head into my hands, "this is all, a lot to take in," I mumbled into my hands. "How did you know Athena?" I asked.

"She was once part of our pac. She left when she fell pregnant with you. She didn't want anyone knowing that she had gotten pregnant by a mortal." He said.

"I.." I rubbed the side of my head, "so let me get this straight, Athena is a full blooded werewolf, she fell pregnant with me leaves this pac and now I have the werewolf gene?"

"That's pretty much it," Edward nodded.

"Can I just go home please? I need time to wrap my head around things," I said, looking up at Jake.

"Of course," Billy said giving Jake a nod. I stood up Jake followed as soon as I began to walk out of the small house. My head spun with confusion, how can I be this... Hybrid. I furrowed my eyebrows, thoughts clouding my mind. I felt someones arms wrap around my waist steering me towards Jakes bike.

We pulled into the driveway, swinging my leg over the bike I walk straight for the door, ignoring Jacobs calls for my name.

This was all to much, all to confusing. Sure I love my new abilities but there's just so much. I fall back onto my bed.

I feel my eyes becoming droopy, a faint noise caught my attention.

The voices filled my head as images flashed through my mind. Athena. Three men. She was screaming in pain. I gripped my head in my hands, as I watched Athena.

Arms wrapped around my waist, cold arms. I looked up Edward looked at me through concerned eyes. "Are you okay?" He asked.

"Take me to Athena. Now." I whispered, he looked back at Bela who nodded.

"Okay. Where is she? What did you see?" He asked.

"Take me to Voltera.. Now!" I yelled.

I sped ran to Edwards car, opening it I hop in. Bella sat in the front, she looked back at me.

"Abby what did you see?" She asked.

"They're gonna kill Athena!" I yelled.

My head pounded as images popped through my mind. "Hurry up!" I yelled from the back seat.


I looked up from my seat, "is that it?" I asked.

"Yes. Athena should be there," he said.

"Then hurry up!" I screamed.

After driving... More like speeding our way to Voltera we came to a stop. People wearing red robes caught my attention. "What's happening. Why are they in red?" I asked.


Wowza! It's almost the end ! How insane is that!?

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